A family friendly play on the word dumbass bitch
Person1: Don’t say dumbass bitch in my video.
Person2: what about dum bass fish, I’m technically not saying a curse word.
Person1: uh, sure that will work you dum bass fish!
A extremely low note sung by some of the Lowest basso profundos from Abu Dhabi. They really have a great lower pissagio that will blow any person away.
Victor and Zayd have come a long way from their Master Salumps(Lebibion James) the master of all Tenaces. Tenacious Bass Note
When you have 10 or more bass drums for a marching band parade and everyone keeps hitting each other’s drums because they have no peripheral vision skills
Welcome to the bass drum clusterfuck.
Taking an extra long shit while on a vessel.
Oh my god I have a to drop a big brown bass.
Rob the Bass reader is a veggie wimp who dunt like cheese well he does but he canny eat the shit
Rob the Bass Reader has two awesome children named James And Sophie
Bass music taken to another level. Sub woofin so hot, effectively creating wind that will flex the nerves and skip heartbeats. Holy fuvk! Ultimately, an elixir, remedy, and having healing properties. Thus, classified as medicinal.
Yo! That DJ’s bass was straight medicinal bass music! Praise the lord!!!! I’m healed!!!!
taking a good healthy dump, sending a care package to an other worldly place, raising the river level.
Q.: Man, what you doing in there?
A.: Just feeding the sea bass.
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