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a fucking name

oh hey there Ben.

by onecutiepie January 31, 2019

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the biggest butt in the butt world he looks like a lump of poo wearing ruby red lipstick, whose voice is so shrill it could knock a bird out of the sky. He has horrible personality disorder and is AWFUL.

Hey look it's Ben he sucks

by Lalallalaalalallalalallalala December 30, 2017

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Ben is one of the funniest but skinniest cunts alive. He is good to chat with but also a fucking bitch. Ben is shit at football and is weak like a baby mouse.

Ben is a really funny person.

by Wag one fam November 27, 2018

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He is the bestest boi ever. He loves love and deserves all of it. He can sometimes be sad at times but there are so many more things that makes Ben special.

He is super smart even though he will deny it, and he cares so much for others, especially his friends. His relationship with love can sometimes be a little complicated, but when he finds someone he will treat them like a king/queen.

He always puts others first and sometimes forgets to look after himself and needs to be reminded that he is amazing and worth it.

He is tall and handsome :)

"He is so nice! he must be a ben"

by ahhhhhwhyexams June 5, 2021

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Mediocre in every regard - generally seen as slightly worse than anyone named Felix.


Girl 1: "Hey I'm dating that Ben guy"
Girl 2: "Well that's underwhelming. I've landed myself a Felix"
Girl 1: "Lucky!"

by theinfernoi September 10, 2019

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Trying desperately to acquire a relationship with one of your friend's Exes, but failing miserably in the end.

Friend 1: What the fuck dude! Why you tryna Ben me?!
Friend 2: Im sorry, im a fucking dumbass
Friend 1: Correct

by Pizza King August 30, 2018

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Ben... Ben is the guy who youโ€™ll see from a distance, the popular kid thatโ€™s part of a different crowd. Heโ€™s the kind of guy whoโ€™ll be totally different once you know him. Heโ€™s the guy that can always make you laugh. He will seem all cool, until you discover heโ€™s a total theatre geek. Sure, he might have cool parents, but heโ€™ll be wearing a Hamilton hat and a Something Rotten shirt. Heโ€™ll have a Pinterest account with three followers. Youโ€™ll audition for a show because he might be there. Heโ€™ll do it too. Maybe heโ€™ll be casted as your love interest. You might just fall in love with Ben.

Yo man yo!! Ben just got the beast in Beauty and the Beast! Who knew he was such a good singer?

by daytime is overrated May 15, 2018

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