The AI equivalent of post nut clarity. Often used when a discord bot is screwed and needs a few kinks worked on.
Person 1: Right now, it's a bot issue, as in the bot isn't doing what we tell it to do lol
Person 2: That bot needs to relieve some sexual tension
Person 3:So what I'm understanding is your saying the bot needs a better baiting bolt beating release?
Person 1: huh!?
Person 2: I perform better after a tune up.
Person 3: So you need to get better at baitin and beatin them bolts and the bot will think clearly
This comes from a brazilian saying. It basically means that if you're making jokes and someone gets offended ( on a personal level ), that is no reason to stop making those jokes. This, of course, isn't an excuse to just be an asshole, and must be used with nuance. The saying could also be directly translated to
"It's better to lose a friend than to lose a joke"
Guy 1 (whose wife died to stillbirth): Wow, these celebrities are crazy
Guy 2: What happened?
Guy 1: I checked the news, and it looks like the rapper DaBaby killed his wife
Guy 2: Well, "The Baby" also killed YOUR wife
Guy 1: Low blow dude
Guy 2: It's better to miss a friend than to miss a joke
When you are more good at something than others.
Yaritza is better than Armando
Me. I am better than U
Me:i am better than ur depressed ass