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Crusty dick syndrome

A genetic syndrome that causes your dick to become super crusty even while you age and the layers of skin build up to the point you hear a crunching noise when you fuck your wife/woman and it is incurable. It has been said that back when Christopher Columbus came to the Americas, he had this syndrome and many thought it was known as a severe STD that cause layers of skin to fall off from your dick and they used to think his semen crustified his dick, but nope he had it. If you have crusty dick syndrome, well i hope you are prepared to hear the crunch of your dick.

Steven:"dude have you ever heard? Mark has crusty dick syndrome"

by Gothgirlforever2000 April 24, 2019

crusty bell flake

An extremely rare phenomena where a crust, usually composed of semen and fermented pus, develops on the tip of the bell creating a nasty smell and results in horrendous blistering...can only be treated by tickling the crust with the feather of a one-eyed yak thus causing it to turn into a mollusc which can then be removed using a ping pong paddle forged from the anal hair of an arabian horse.

See that Oliver guy? He had a nasty case of crusty bell flake...

by lordanalwart May 16, 2011

Rusty-crusty bulldozer

This only happens once a year, usually on the fourth of July. A man and a woman join in sexual relations, and the man dips his man meat in caramel and he puts it in the freezer and waits for the caramel to harden. Then the woman lays on the floor and the man gets running start, then at full speed he rams the woman in her shitnozzle. He will then proceed to push the woman around on her face, thus the name "Rusty-crusty bulldozer".

My girlfriend is all pissy now cuz she got rugburn when i gave her the Rusty-crusty bulldozer.

by Jawsh2882 August 22, 2010

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crusty ass deamon

n. Residual shit between ones ass crack, due to improper wiping techniques, which dries to cause severe anal discomfort, physical activity can exagerate such effects.

Yo dude, I gotta stop and take a shower. I've got a haggard crusty ass deamon kickin. All this Dance Dance Revolution is rubbin it raw bro.

by grundlemychuzzle February 15, 2005

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Crusty tube sock

A slut. Someone who’s taken more loads than a crusty tube sock hidden under a 14 year old’s bed.

β€œDon’t date her, she’s a crusty tube sock.”

β€œI’ve known some whores in my day but that guy is the biggest crusty tube sock I’ve ever met.”

by Brett Burkhardt April 27, 2008

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Crusty Blue Lobster

A mixture of a lobster and a blue waffle aka "Wills Mum"

Did you see Will's mum, she was such a crusty blue lobster last night.

by SparkeyRob June 19, 2014

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Crusty Hoo-pie

A nasty-ass Ho's nasty-ass

"Bitch, Don't nobody want a slice of your Crusty Hoo-pie smelling like death n' shit"

by IdntgivaFOX January 16, 2020