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Sup Faggot

A term used between bros who are chill enough to great each other using the insult "Faggot", without offending each other.

Taylor walked up to Eli and said, "Sup Faggot"

by Suck On Dim Titties October 17, 2017

17๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Maggot Faggot

Australian idiom for an individual, usually considered to be social awkward, who will travel out of their natural environment because they have been pressed into being a normal person and go to a party. At said party, they will indulge in small amounts of alcohol and then proceed to act inebriated and moronic. This is usually followed up by the individual avoiding others until late hours in the morning when they will cry themselves to sleep.

Can be shortened to 'Magz-Fagz' or 'Mag-Fag'

Chris: "Hey what's Luke doing in the corner acting like a dickhead?"

Monika: "Hes just a 'Maggot Faggot', forget him and never invite him to anymore parties!"

Luke: "Ha...ha I'm so drunk.....I've had like two beers."

*Luke then proceeds to grab Monika's breasts*

by Normal Aussie December 20, 2009

54๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Airsoft Faggot

An airsoft faggot is a pathetic, grown-ass man who plays "milsim", but really just uses that as an excuse to play dress up and ass around the woods pretending to be something he'll never be. He will spend literal thousands of dollars to buy the same gear actual soldiers wear in combat so he can look cool on social media for his other airsoft faggot friends. Extreme cases may wear unearned unit patches in attempts at winning cool points from other equally pathetic airsoft faggots.

He wears MultiCam combat pants everywhere as if he's some off-duty Delta operator, and inserts military slang into everyday conversation, despite having no clue what the terms actually mean. He loves the camera, and will waste no opportunity to pose for it all kitted up.

He will even go so far as to tell ACTUAL COMBAT VETERANS that their shooting stance, grip pattern, or cheek weld on a weapon is "wrong", with no service credentials of his own. When others call out his habit of pretend play, he resorts to personal attacks. Even the airsoft faggot knows he has no justification to be an adult playing dress-up.

He doesn't have the balls to actually sign up for the military and will get very butthurt if you suggest he should. He lacks the discipline to commit himself to a lifetime of meaningful service. This is because he is a CHICKENSHIT COWARD WANNABE.

If you shoot plastic BBs at kids while dressing up in gear to pretend you're a soldier, you're probably an airsoft faggot.

by 01101001110 December 25, 2018

38๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

massive faggot

Massive homosexual, whether gay or straight.
Can also refer to a person of great disdain

Mikelle is a massive faggot

by matt77800 February 2, 2015

24๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


The term 'Swag Faggot' comes from the chavy sense of clothing certain teenagers wear and are proud of it. It is mostly looked down upon.

Boy 1: Hey look, there is another swag-faggot.
Boy 2: Yeah, that's Henry's brother.

by DJPrincessLuna October 20, 2013

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Apple Faggot

Any hipster who blindly follows and supports Apple products even if they're shit, all because they secretly want to be in a relationship with Steve Jobs. Also known as the "Apple Fanboy Syndrome" or AFS, this very serious condition is common in the San Fransisco area and is most often seen in the many metrosexual (also known as Homosexual) students who prefer style over functionality. Little known fact: the disease is easily transmited to others and can only be cured after dealing with the Apple customer support or guarantee service. Also cured by purchasing any good hardware/software which isn't overpriced.

John: - Look there's Tom with his new iPad.
Jack: - He has AFS...
John: - What?
Jack: - Apple Fanboy Syndrome..
John: - Oh yeah he's an Apple Faggot!
Tom: - Look guys I've got the iPad!!!!!!! ;))))) :)))))
Jack: - Does it have Flash? or Multitask?
Tom: - Look I can flick through pictures with my fingers!!!!!!!

by vlad88667 March 13, 2010

335๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mega faggot

He is a small pink bike who got abused by big chungus he sufferd severe bullying

Mega faggot is gay

by Big chungus2.0 January 21, 2019

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