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furry femboy

A Furry Femboy or Femboy is a Furry that defines oneself that dresses like a girl.

Furry Femboy :Did you know that your brother is a Furry Femboi?

by FurryFemboi May 19, 2016

41๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Furry-paws is a virtual pets site where you take care of your own dog. You start out with 60,000 FP and buy your own dog. You are supposed to take care of it, give it a collar and leash, and enter it in contests. You can get a job, like a vet or competitor. I have an account on Furry-paws, and it's fun, but the games aren't. They only have a little, and they aren't fun. But you can breed your own dog, build your own clinic (if you're a vet), make your own shows, train your dog in a certain type of sport, and make your own training ground (if you're a trainer). Furry-paws is fun if you are a dog-lover, but if you aren't, then try something else like marapets or neopets (only chooose neopets if you dont mind advertisments).

Person who starts board:
I know we aren't supposed to sell things on Neopets for FP on Furry-paws, so people please stop it.
Stranger 1:You're right. Neopets has that rule.
Stranger 2:Yup I've seen a couple of those so far, but they never did it again.

So people can spell, be nice and usually follow the rules on the Furry-paws chat boards.

by Chocothedog March 3, 2007

96๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Furry Wars

A battle between the gamer boys and the furries for control of the app "Tik Tok" At first the gamer boy seemed the underdogs, the UWU's and OWO's of the furries was very powerful. But with the extra support of the gamer girls from the kitchen, the gamer boys were inspired to go behind furry lines. Risking their life they invaded the furry bases and stole valuable information. Armed with Nerf guns the gamer boys launched a chemical warfare on the furries, infecting them all with ligma. Some even went as far as sugondese to capture the furries. Good prevailed and the gamer boys won, making tik tok great again.

Let us salute to all the brave gamer boys who sacrificed their lives in the furry wars.

by thotimisprime November 29, 2018

111๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

The furry war

The furry war is the war to eliminate all furries. There are two groups of people fighting, the furries, and the anti furries. There have been two furry wars one back in YouTube in 2007 and one right not in tick tock in 2018.

Did you hear about the furry war

by Flappytheflonder December 14, 2018

17๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Furry Sympathizer

REAL people, not Furry's, or Furry Haters, but the people inbetween...really nice people, but they usally still get fucked around by Haters

"Hey, you play Furcadia?"
"Nah...But it's ok..."

by John Perky March 14, 2005

74๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Furry Cup

Vagina, Muff, Cunt, Pussy

Do you drink from the furry cup?

by BlueOyster April 29, 2003

64๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Furry Plums

Quite literally The Dog's Bollocks!

Is wee Georgie gonna get to use his furry plums before the big snip?

by Satandog August 28, 2006

63๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž