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pimp in law

what a mother calls her daughters pimp

person 1: whos that guy that just slapped you

person 2: oh hes just my pimp in law

by blahness09 April 10, 2010

Taylor's Law

Banks and corporates have a nasty habit of using buzzwords to promote their product in a way start-ups never do. As such Simon Taylor (host of the Fintech Insider podcast) noted, there is an inversely proportional relationship between how many Buzzwords (AI, Machine Learning and Blockchain) a bank uses, and how good their product is.

Taylor's law: The amount of times you mention AI, ML or Blockchain in your product is inversley proportional to how good it is

Damn that press release from BIG BANK sure proves Taylor's Law. Did you see the amount of times they said AI?

by AListener May 31, 2019

Scobienz Law

The law of nature that describes the tendency for desperate single mothers from third world countries to cling onto lonely, socially awkward British males who couldn't dream of getting any woman otherwise.

Impoverished Marielle from the Philippines finally gave up on finding a real man to support her and her kid and was desperate enough to accept the awkward sexual advances of a gawky British guy in order to survive. Poor girl fell victim to Scobienz Law.

by General Macavelli July 9, 2018

Sara's Law

Before you have sex with a guy, you need to moan his name in front of your friends to see if his name is moanable.

Omg Thaddeus does NOT pass Sara's Law.

by theyouknowthething January 29, 2022

Hallam's law

The concept that if more storage space is made the space will be filled.

I made an bought an extra wardrobe for my clothes and now it's full too. "That's Hallam's law"

by JackBrin May 30, 2018

Huffer's Law

aka - Blazer's Law

When smoking a joint in front of a random house, the owners of that house (and only that house), will always arrive mid session to either:

a) park the car in the driveway
b) come out to walk the dog
c) water the lawn at 2am

thereby disturbing the smoking and thus creating more paranoia than there would have been.

Avi: Yo, nice dube man!
Rozy: Thanks! Oh shit these people are coming home!
Avi: Obviously! It's Huffer's Law man!

by Killdjan December 15, 2008

Hood Law

Things people from the hood have a common sense knowledge of... 1. doing & 2. not doing!

It’s Hood Law that When a Black Woman is disciplining their child in the store or in public don’t say shit OR you might get yo ass beat as well!

by Kween Kellzzzz March 6, 2020