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Pearl Over Diamonds

The best Blow Job you can get, to include balls being caressed or squeezed, deep throat with gagging, tongue swirling, head sucking, cumming in mouth, and swallowing leaving you weak in ones knees...

Sorry bruh, I can’t go out tonight... my gf just gave me a Pearl Over Diamonds and I’m spent.

by PearlOverDiamonds January 2, 2021

Pearl Jam

One of the big 4 of Grunge which includes Nirvana,Alice In Chains,and Soundgarden. Pearl Jam got famous for creating masterpiece albums such as Ten,Vs,Vitalogy,Yield,Binaural,Riot Act,and their newest album Backspacer. The only shit album they did was No Code. That one sucked donkey balls.

Pearl Jam can be considered a part of making Grunge popular.

by That one guy at the bar July 5, 2013

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Mini Pearle Vision

That annoying tag that dumbasses like to keep on their sunglasses.

Holy shit, Frankie! Look at that douche fag with his Mini Pearle Vision. I hope the fuck head gets a paper cut to the eyeball!

by Timmmaaay October 13, 2010

Kamikaze Pearl Harbor

When a Japanese guy lives on a higher floor in an apartment building than an American girl and they're both on their balconies. He starts masturbating on his balcony, then jumps off right before he comes, faces the building, and jizzes right when he passes her floor, giving her a surprise pearl necklace as he falls to his death.


by Jah Rastafari April 24, 2010

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Pearl River, NY

Irish Ghetto. Every1 whose fam moved from the bronx to rockland. Kinda sketchy in parts but a mad chill town. Evry1 is hardcore irish, & evry other building is a bar.

Yo wat u doing fo St. Pattys day?
Ima get mi drink on in Pearl River, NY

by biggepaceaz2243444 November 5, 2009

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Pearl Harbor

When someone leaves a poop in the toilet and someone else urinates on the poop causing it to cloud up the water and explode the turd.

Wow, I can't believe Pat pearl harbored Erics dump that he left from last night!

by BigZman October 9, 2010

10πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž

pink pearl of love

the clitoris

he played with my pink pearl of love before we fornicated

by lamonster717 July 19, 2011