A plastic soldier Is one who goes around acting tough ans bullying everyone smaller than him but has never been in a fight in his life
Man, he's such a plastic soldier he won't touch you.
when someone has a lot of makeup on or had a lot of plastic surgeries.
"Man, she's fake plastic. Even the thiccc booty is fake.
Originally man made from the United States. Largest retail seller of plastic dildos.
Have your seen the new release from Plastic Express?
(Noun) The act of having sex with a plastic object.
Yo I got plastic laid last night… it was amazing.
Gold plastic syndrome (GPS) is the phenomenon of a toy's plastic decomposing and becoming brittle to the point of shattering or crumbling under minimal-stress conditions.The term comes from Transformers fandom,referencing G2 Electro toy,but it's appliable to every other toyline.The main couse of GPS is unknown,but it's thought that certain plastics weren't mixed as well as others, possibly because of the metallic pigment or colouring, so they break down more quickly.
My G1 BlackZarak probably a victim of Gold Plastic Syndrome.It shattered before even transform him.
There are several different plastic chairs in the world however there is one specific chair belonging to a man named Vergil from legend. Should one sit upon the chair motivation shall course through their body and their portal opening days shall start with the blessed power of the Yamato
A dude: Eh I’ll go to the gym tomorrow
Plastic chair: Stares intimately
A dude : Fuck it ima sit