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A focking violation against roadmens called Sidney, not the focking state you donkey!

SYdney is violated

by King Sid May 25, 2022


Usually very pretty and has a big butt, however she has a low standard for boys.

Tyrone: Dude, that girl you're hanging with is hella hot! Wish I could tap that but she's way outta my league.

Paco: nah bro, she's a Sydney, you could totally get it on the daily!

by Jonnylongdick September 4, 2017


Sydneys are the best thing you could ask for. They are kind compassionate and with stand by you no matter what life throws in your way. personally i am a Caleb and i have a Sydney as a girlfriend and it is the best thing that has ever come my way. love you Sydney!

sydney is cool

by sydneysBf July 23, 2018


Sydney is generally a shy, quite person but once you get to know her shes extremely expressive, outgoing and full of life. She has a heart of gold and will do anything to please people she loves. Sydneys hates conflict and will go at any lengths to be kind and friendly to everyone around her. She is an amazing, important friend you should always keep close. Sydney will never betray you and is a loyal trustworthy friend. Sydney always gives the best advice. She is pretty and beautiful, which she doesn't accept Meanwhile she makes a whole list of boys fall for her. But she only has her eye on one boy, who she is extremely shy to talk to. Not only is she a great friend but girlfriend to, She is very affectionate, gentle and sweet towards her other half. She is passionate for animals, music, sports and helping people in need. She see everyone as equal and is always willing to give second chances. You should always have a friend called Sydney because she is the most genuine, full of life person.

Sydney is a amazing freind becuase,

by Snap222 November 23, 2021


Probably rips the Juul or a breeze during school has very little chromosomes

Wow look at Sydney over there ripping phat clouds

by J.castor520 February 25, 2018


Sydney is a sweet and very cute girl. She is shy at first but once you get to know her she is very funny, understanding, and spontaneous. She is the cutest most adorable girl. Her eyes are a wonderful hazel that you would dream of. As her smile, you could die for. She doesn't believe she is pretty but always call her beautiful because she will never betray you. She isn't one to flirt with to many guys, and she knows when she finds the right one. Her body is irreplaceable. The touch of her skin is so soft and very beautiful. She is proud of her flaws and hopes you will accept her for who she is. She isn't one to change for a friend or a boyfriend. She is insecure about herself, but she shows off her passion for art and music. her voice is like an angel's. If you know a Sydney, tell her how you feel before its too late. Sydney's are perfect. Especially this one. ❤️

sydney's are perfect duh

by duhitsbeardude July 25, 2020


Sydney is a beautiful,amazing,gracious kind ok that’s all a joke (not really) but let’s get real sydney is a hot dominatrix who will bring you in for a good time she is also an amazing best friend who gives amazing gifts and tells funny jokes and is sad with me so that’s pretty lit but that’s besides the point she would be great in the porn industry so sign her up:)

Omg that’s Sydney”
“Omg it is”
“She’s really sexy

by Yourmomismydaddy March 24, 2020