Someone who disapproves of anything sexually said.
Bro I got head last night! - Guy 1
Dude, just stop - Ultra Virgin
A Virgin, usually black girl, who is a squirter and only learns about it when she loses here virginity
Man 1: Dude Brooklyn is a squirting Virgin!
Man 2: You mean Adams?
Man 1: Yeah the public health chick! She was a Virgin so I fingered her to warm her up and she squirted all over the couch!
Man 2: That must have been a learning experience lol
An individual who in their past life died a virgin and are still a virgin in their current life.
One who is part of the bb virgin club typically a baby virgin who has never slayed any bitches in da bed
Damn did you see my guy puffy he is a bb virgin somehow, but we all know he fucks better then all of us
The name given to somebody who lost their dry virginity when they dry fucked or dry humped a girl in bed, but sadly haven’t made it that far to lose their actual virginity while in bed.
Friend 1: Yo, Ron is such a Dry Virgin, he only has dry humped a few chicks!
Friend 2: Stop talking about it , Barry!
A person who abuses their Snapchat story with (nobody cares) Fortnite or PUBG wins.
Average virgin: yo I won a game of Fortnite!
Me: I don't care. Yo guess what.
Average virgin: What?
Me: Get a LIFE!!
A blunt that doesn't contain tobacco or nicotine.
We only smoke virgin blunts inside the house because Bob doesn't like the smell of tobacco.