Source Code

Post Traumatic COD Disorder

n. Abbr. PTCD
A serious physical/psychological disorder caused by the attendence, academic pressures, and brutality of the College of Dupage. Affected victims more than likely develop some degree of scolionophobia. Symptoms may include but are not limited to: any form of distress, difficulty breathing, hypertension, irratability, hyperawareness, agitation, panic attacks, elevated pulse rate, insomnia, anxiety, and other serious health risks in the duration and aftermath of first and second semester. These symptoms, while triggered by experiences or passing moments of rememberence, may also occur at random. Fortunately, PTCS usually diminishes within the first 1-2 weeks of summer.

See also: College of Dupage

"Son, your mother and I couldn't help but notice you're not yourself, your grades are steadily declining, you're not sleeping, you're easily angered, I've never seen you so stressed in my life."

"Dad, I think I have Post Traumatic COD Disorder."

by COD Prisoner May 14, 2009

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reversal body dismorphic disorder

This has to be credited to Gimme, Gimme Gimme (BBC2 or 1), but proves be such a useful put down!!! Body Dismorphic Disorder (BDD) is, commonly, where a beautiful person looks in the mirror and sees a minger, swap donkey, bush pig staring back at them. Well, Reveral Body Dismorphic Disorder is where a hideously unattractive, usually overweight girl with particularly bad skin (it's my glands you see, nothing to do with the 18 Big Macs and 10 bars of family sized Galaxy I eat a day)looks into the mirror, and instead of seeing the bloated blob before her, sees a combined image of Catherine Zeta Jones and Angelina Jolie - therefore believing herself to be the epitome of beauty!!! Hence - Reversal Body Dismorphic Disorder

"Doctor, is it serious? I'm going to be on the front cover of Nuts, and can't keep the photographer waiting!!!"

"Well, you're five stone over weight and got skin like a pizza. I diagnose a severe case of Reversal Body Dismorphic Disorder. Fetch Gillian McKeith, nurse!"

by Jon Dawson March 25, 2007

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Left Dick Sag Disorder

a wise man who has never been in a realtionship dick´s sag to right. as soon as a onse wise man gets into a realtionship he is then prompted with the thought ¨man this nigga better not fuck me over gang¨. well guess what g, the nigga fucked you over💀. now the unhappy man´s dick now is sagging to the LEFT as the nigga didnt treat him RIGHT.

awareness must be created, never let a nigga fuck you over left dick sag disorder is a 100% common side affect of getting into a realtionship. be careful out there you never know who gon fuk u over next. ¨the most poisonous people come disguised as friends or family¨-a wise nigga

man this bitch finna get me Left Dick Sag Disorder.. I better hop outa this jawn.

by white boy conner May 18, 2022

Obsessive Phone Trading Disorder

AKA PTD To constantly trade, purchase, sell and swap one's phone. PTD sufferers are generally underworked, oversexed and have too much time on their hands. The phones of PTD sufferers are always in perfect pristine condition, as one with PTD will constantly clean and wipe the phone after each use (PTDers may also have Germaphobia). Along with being kept in pristine condition, the phones from the PTDer are left feeling unloved and cheap since the PTDer doesn't have the phone in his possession for more than 4-6 weeks. Intervention is critical for the sake of the phone.

He suffers from obsessive phone trading disorder. He buys a new phone every 4 weeks.

by PrincessConsuela1971 November 18, 2010

palomitas de maíz disorder

Popcorn addiction

I think I suffer from palomitas de maíz disorder. When I go shopping and see Zebra popcorn, my heart skips a beat. I cannot get enough popcorn.

by leshen25 March 11, 2011

Post Lesbian Stress Disorder

When a female who was a lesbian becomes straight, she often goes through Post Lesbian Stress Disorder. Symptoms include sleeping with several unattractive men, purchasing several new purses and growing her hair.

Alex was so afraid of her sexuality that, after committing lesbicide she developed a bad case of Post Lesbian Stress Disorder.

by amywarhol August 26, 2011

Trump Adulation Disorder (TAD)

A phenomenon endemic to militant Trump supporters that causes them to lose all sense of reason, critical thinking, and rational discussion especially with those who do not worship Trump.

Those Trump supporters shouted me down when I tried to point out one of Trump's lies. They're suffering from serious Trump Adulation Disorder (TAD).

by Wright Ryder February 25, 2020