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Hip Hop Holiday

A day that is memorated to celebrate a famous or historical hip hop/rap occurence or song in history. It is a day to either jamm out to that particular artist or music, go cruising, smoke out or however you may endeavor to this occasion.

Dude today is November 18th. It's a Hip Hop Holiday! Let's go Cruising all over Browntown jammin out to Drake's November 18

by Miss Roman November 19, 2010

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Jazzy Hip-Hop

Short for Jazz-Japanese Hip-Hop

Nujabes is famous in the world of Jazzy Hip-Hop

by SpreadingDopeMusic January 24, 2013

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Hip Hop Be Dead

The term "Hip Hop Be Dead" reflects the ending of an era. Early in 2010 Hip hop took a serious back seat to REAL music preformed by people who actually have real talent, and can sing or play an instrument, vs Hip Hop (trash talk and dick grabbing) along with content such as, Drugs, Ho's, Pimps, Sex, Hood Life, Money, Crime, Disrespect to woman, Shootings, Guns, Bling & Bitches!

Now all the rappers are scrambling to incorporate performers with real talent to appear with them on any attempted new release.

Also all Rap, Hip Hop performers are trying to desperately look respectable when preforming now! (what a joke!!) No Hoodie, No Baggies, No Bling, ... one last desperate attempt to "look" respectable after two decades of looking like ghetto street thugs!! .... street trash!!

The next generation of Americans recognize how ignorant Rap and Hip Hop music was, and no longer are interested in just another BULL SHIT Rap song form another no talent Nigger form the hood!!!

Hip Hop Be Dead!!!

Joe: Wow I can actually listen to the radio again and not puke!!

Max: Yup, ... thats cus " Hip Hop Be Dead " now!!!

by Get real, Ya All!!! April 6, 2010

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break your hips

When some one says there gonna break your hips it means there gonna fuck you good, and give you back shots.

My boyfriend said he don't suc
k pussy but he'll "break your hips off", my hips off

by Sephora beloved January 5, 2017

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hip hop anonymous

A large, chiefly aquatic African herbivorous mammal (Hippopotamus amphibius) having thick, dark, almost hairless skin, short legs with four toes, and a broad, wide-mouthed muzzle. Also called river horse.

Fundo was out in the jungle, shooting marbles, when he encountered a hungry, hungry hip hop anonymous.

by auth00r June 20, 2006

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experimental hip hop

A sub genre of hip-hop. Also known as alternative hip-hop It heavily revolves around the use of unconventional samples and or sounds that are not usually used in more mainstream hip-hop artists or groups, therefore it stays primarily in the underground hip-hop scene

some notable artists in this genre are (Madlib, Mf doom, Flying Lotus, Tyler the creator, etc.)

I spend most of my weekend listening to experimental hip hop.

by Kourtisy100 August 28, 2014

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Hip Hop "Intellectual"

A person who listens to lots of hip hop/rap and starts fights over trivial things: eye contact, bad look and disrepect. Notice the parenthesis around the word intellectual. Obviously, anyone who's into hip hop/rap cannot be an intellectual.

Hip hop intellectuals can be from any race, but in general they tend to be African American.

Teen1: Oh my God! He beat up that poor white kid for nothing. What happened?
Teen2: The white kid looked at him in a weird way and then the black kid left him in a comma. Typical Hip Hop "Intellectual" behavior.

by The Man who Knew Too Much February 10, 2007

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