The best dictionary in the world.
He looked the word up in Urban Dictionary for the best definition of that word.
The most reliable source to know the true definitions of words and phrases.
"Urban dictionary is so cool" -Gandhi
A peer-reviewed-web-based program Used to define shitty words that don't exist... and cmon who doesn't want to learn some new words ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Bill: A new word!
Dan: What is it?
Bill: Wendgrphis
Dan: What the Hell does that mean?
Bill: Just "Urban Dictionary" it!
A website that has managed to write books, act like an efficient business, and has more definitions than any other dictionary.
Yet because anyone can write the definition of a word thet are either:
·Opinions arguing with other opinions who have somehow become #1 definitions.
·Funny trolling that somehow became #1.
Either way if you're looking for laughs come here.
I recommend looking all over the web for a definitions to look everywhere to get it confirmed.
I just laughed at 2 definitions on Urban Dictionary.
The website that is filled with definitions by various users and, sometimes, with swear words like the f-word
I went to Urban Dictionary to look for the meaning of 'Urban Dictionary'
a fake stupid ass funny free Dictionary
dude u as stupid as the urban Dictionary
Me: (Searches up Youtube)
Urban Dictionary: A website that is owned by Google that has absolutely terrible copyright rules, thanks to the DMCA.
Me: What the heck Youtube is awesome its the best website for videos on the planet who cares about the copyright rules anyway