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sex is like pizza when its good its good but when its bad its still good

sex is like pizza when its good its good but when its bad its still good

by sexy-man January 12, 2009

56πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž


1 - the word that determines if you are a boy or girl

2 - Gender

Yasmine: What is your turtles sex?

William: My turtles what?

Yasmine: Your turtles gender

William: Oh, girl turtle.

by FrancisGurl January 14, 2013

17πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


-had sex with someone
-implying who you had sex with

I sexed camille last night

by sarahbeara-- March 29, 2007

49πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


Well boys and girls: When a mommy and daddy love each other ALOT they decide to make a baby. Then they pick up the phone and call the stork. The delivery takes 9 months and the package is bundle of joy.

Your mother and I like to have sex ALOT.
Always have protected sex.

by Roses are'nt Red November 27, 2008

47πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


Something that you blurt out when you have had one too many martinis.

Harry: "And I fell down face forward."

Sally: "Well that sex, I mean sucks."

by msbrightside April 19, 2010

18πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž




by Bobby July 25, 2014

9πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


I was in 6th period science sitting next to the hottest girl in the school Natalie I had the biggest crush on her.One day we had to do a project about a cell or something and we got paired up! I went over to her house to work on the project. We were working on it as soon as her mom left to work she wouldn’t be back till the next day so I was lucky! We were in her room then she bent down to pick up something and she had leggings on and you could see her ass really clearly her thong lines showed and I moaned. she turned back and said β€œdid you just moan?” And I said no... Anyways she sat down on her bed and she told me that she had loved me since second grade we were in 7th grade here do 12. I’m 18 now. So I told her I love her too. She asked if I wanted to fuck the shit out of her and ofc I said yes. I took all my clothes off except for my under wear she took her shirt and pants off and she was wearing a black bra and a black thong. She had a big ass and she twerked on top of my dick.

I took her bra off and she took my underwear off. Her mouth started to water. We went to her mom and dads room and got a condom. I put it on and she sucked my dick. I took her thong off with my mouth. That’s when we went back to her room and I layed on her bed and she sat on top of me we started simple by just kissing then she turned around and sat on her knees telling me to shove my dick up her ass. So I did she started to moan and said β€œHARDER” so I did. She kept on moaning and saying words like β€œharder” and β€œdaddy” then we did a postition where she was able to suck my dick and I was able to eat her vagina and it was fucken delicious. After 5 HOURS of doing that we slept in bed together we slept with my dick in her ass.

We are now in collage and we are still together. That was my first sex and it felt awesome.She still got that ass and I still got this 8 inch !

by Ksnsbsbsns November 4, 2019

9πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž