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Boo boo whistle


A fart; may be used in reference with flatulence.

Grandma took communion on bended knee, proceeded to stand up and blew her boo boo whistle. The congregation gasped.

by Awsnapsonitson September 12, 2019

Whistling Kanye

The sex act of farting while your girlfriend is fingering your asshole. Done correctly, the sound made is similar to that of a slide whistle.

Similar to the Breezy Yeezy or a Puff Diddly.

I performed a Whistling Kanye last night, and it sounded better than anything on The Life of Pablo

by Scott-ish October 6, 2016

Whistling Kanye

The sex act of farting while your girlfriend is fingering your asshole. Done correctly, the sound made is similar to that of a slide whistle.

Similar to the Breezy Yeezy or a Puff Diddly.

I performed a Whistling Kanye last night, and it sounded better than anything on The Life of Pablo

by Scott-ish October 6, 2016

Cheese Whistle

A descriptive name given to a smegma caked penis.

"Get that filthy cheese whistle out ma face, its fuckin stinkin"

by Tendek February 7, 2021

Whistle Sound

The sound a frustrated, over-worked and tired prosecutor makes when he finally closes out a case that has been dragging on forever.

(Insert Whistle Sound)...thanks for playing, see ya!

by AVS12345 November 15, 2023

Newfie slider whistle

The art of inserting a flesh light into another man’s anus and having sex with the sex toy so it isn’t gay.

I gave my bro a Newfie slider whistle and didn’t have to say no homo first

by Babybert April 16, 2024

Don't pish on the whistle

Phrase commonly used when someone is needlessly angry at an inanimate object, potentially making a situation worse.

"This stupid remote won't work!"

"Jeez, don't pish on the whistle."
(Don't break the remote you'll just make the situation worse.)

by Idkimnotawizard February 12, 2025