One who has a weak response; trained to give a list of responses when asked a question.
Karen couldn’t answer my question because she doesn’t think for herself. She only replies with what her boss teaches her to say. She sounds like a keyboard monkey.
The act of being monkey dick punched.
When you are a boy in 7th grade, your friend will come up to you and exclaim “monkey dick punch” and then proceed to monkey dick punch you.
that one kid that is too much of a dumbass to read the subtitles
Friend : Why do you watch anime dubbed its so bad.
Other friend : Because!!I 1don't wanna read subtitles that stupiddddddd!!!!!! Im trying to enjoy the showawwdwas1ww!!12112!!1w not go to school!!!!!!1
Friend : you're such a dub monkey
A monkey tower in the tower defense game series "Bloons TD" which hurls magical bolts of damage at bloons with low pierce.
"My Monkey Apprentices are very overpowered because of the Phoenix ability."
A very specific type of ass, I which is never to be confused with booty (an over sized ass) or butt, which is generally flat.
The "monkey chunk" derives it's name from the rather animated character its rather pronounced jiggle. Not all asses can be characterized as a monkey chunk.
Shape: The classic monkey chunk is derived from the 'pear' genus. It is a pear shaped form of ass known for its bulbous but tame proportions.
Trademark Characteristics: The monkey chunk is a happy ass, it jiggles when motion abruptly stops... and sports a modest clap when walking - it is quote animated.
The monkey chunk is also punctuated by deep cheek articulation, and very pronounced cheekage, just not as other types, such as the classic dump truck ass.
Wow, girl has a phat ass monkey chunk...
A game played on the David Letterman Show where an audience member would be shown a picture of either Donald Trump or a monkey with the face covered and just the hair on top of the head exposed. The player had to guess, based solely on the hair, if it was a picture of Donald Trump or of a monkey.
This was during the time when Donald Trump was on “The Apprentice”.
Know your cuts of meat and Trump or monkey were my favorite games on the David Letterman Show.