Simply the past tense of “I like you” the use of “liked” stands for you broke their heart and they don’t feel like going back to you anymore, nothing could ever compare to you until you had to ruin everything.
I liked you can be said as a friend and or as more than a friend. Can be said as=
- “I liked you. But you hurt me, Megan.”
After the famous song: 'POW 2011' you can now place 'like hoododododadadada' at the end of anything you do during the day.
Facebook Status: Made some pancakes like hoododododadadada!
Boss: Why are you late for work??
Man: I ran into traffic like hoododododadadada!
Boss: Your fired.
I Like Your Boots
Sit at Primanti Brothers and yell to everyone "I Like Your Boots"
Even if they don't have boots on YELL IT NOW BITCH
YOU=Funny if say I Like Your Boots
I Like Your Boots, bitch.
Someone who can be shipped with anyone; mostly used with celebrities.
I sometimes imagine myself dating and being with Danny DeVito 'coz he's ship-like.
(n) Name given for a tight knit group of people that incessantly press the "Like" button on nearly every status update, Wall Post, Picture, etc that any one of them post on the Social Network website Facebook.
This is a disdainful group for a variety of reasons, including:
1) Their act of hitting the "Like" button is essentially telling you that you are not worth an actual contribution of words, but is only worth the minimal effort it takes me to click my mouse
2) With their Orgy of "Liking" they are cheapening the use of the "Like" Button for all other users
3) By hitting the "Like" Button for one another over and over, they are attempting to create a false sense of value within themselves and their Cult-"Like" actions are just a futile attempt to boost interest in themselves, when the reality is that they are actually just Douchebags that nobody really "Likes" anyway!
Katy: Did you see Mandy's Status Update where she wrote that she had a "case of the Monday's"? ...She has like 11 people that "Like" it?
Bill: Yeah, I noticed that she had posted a picture of a "Star Shaped Balloon" and she had 9 "Likes" on it too. She must have joined the Like Patrol.
Katy: Ohhhh, that explains it.
Bill: Yeah, its probably the most action she has had in years!
Katy: True...True.
indie punk rock band from Milwaukee Wisconsin
“scam likely’s playing at bremen cafe again”
Useful comeback for when somebody says something that irritates you
^ Dude, that phony charm routine you use on don't work anymore
> Yeah, just like your dick
^ Hey!