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crass act

A person who is, basically, anything but class.

The way this guy talks and goes about his life, makes him a crass act.

by ILovePoetry November 3, 2017

Act Dry Day

May 3rd is Act Dry Day. Become as dry as you possibly can to your friends or someone close you.

Chrysler: Why’s Bone acting so dry?
Jim: act dry day
Chrysler: k.

by Jiua1345 May 2, 2022

Act Dry Day

May 3rd is Act Dry Day. Act as dry as much as you can to your friends and close ones. Just as long as you represent your way of acting dry.

Chrysler: Why’s Bone acting so dry??
Jim: act dry day.

Chrysler: k.

by Jiua1345 May 2, 2022

fair fight act of 1988

The Fair Fight Act of 1988 set the bylaws of street fights in Detroit during the 80s and 90s. It’s sole purpose was to set the groundwork for what was considered legal and illegal in a street fight among two parties settling their differences by way of force. Along with the typical rules of the street fight, ie. no eye gouging, no biting and no low blows, the Fair Fight Act aimed to eliminate anything but the use of hands.

Kicks of any sort will violate the code of the "Fair Fight Act of 1988". Damaging knees can cause a permanent injury, mf might walk a cane for the rest of his life. Use of firearms are permitted in such cases.

by DimSumProphet August 29, 2019

To Act Florida

Behave like a despicable nimrod.

After his vasectomy, I kinda expected him to act Florida for a while.

by blitzchap August 6, 2020

An act of kindness

A phrase that is an alternate word started on r/thomastheplankengine on reddit as an alternate way of saying smash.

u/FoolishlyBad: An act of kindness or an act of villany?
u/Microsoft: An act of kindness

by feichang_piaoliang 非常漂亮 January 31, 2025

act like gold

A woman that values herself more than a THOT, is established in her profession, beautiful, intelligent and will make you put in that work.

"It's Beyonce season and they act like gold"

by The Realest in the SIX February 13, 2016