Source Code

Cole Carrico

An ugly boy with friends that are usually named Nik or jimmy

Cole Carrico is mean to his friends

by Colesaredumb27 December 12, 2019

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Edward Cole

Edward/Eddie as he prefers to be called is one of a kind. He is very good looking and has cute elf like cheeks. He tries to be angry but his eyebrows wobble therefore making it hopeless. He is kind hearted and loves fluffy animals. He has a place in his heart for anyone however, when it comes to his girlfriend she is number 1, he puts her before everything and treats her like a princess he loves her with all his heart and he would never do a thing to hurt her. A lot of girls like Eddie but he is only interested in his girl (that means all you other relationship wrecking whores can do one). He has big plans for his future and is sure to do well, as a trained mechanic this young man has his tough side and downs too, he's late 70% of the time and he can upset people without realising but he always puts things right. He's worked hard his whole life and now everything will return to his favour. His girlfriend is a very lucky girl.

Edward Cole loves his girlfriend alot

by eddies'gal August 4, 2012

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Cole and Vivian

Match made in heaven. Both are weird, crazy, and strange. Have telepathy and read each others minds all the time. Opposite in some ways but so many things in common. 11/12/13.

Cole and Vivian: cutest couple

by vivian0315 November 27, 2013

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Cheryl Cole

A person that beats up/attacks bathroom attendants.

Cheryl Cole beat up a bathroom attendant and got away with it. True Fact!

by Cheryl Cole June 28, 2012

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James Cole


When a girl bleeds, like James Cole.

by Bobby Munro September 9, 2010

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Cole's Law

Akin to Murphy's Law

Cole's Law:

If one is feeling "raw," the set of rules that one is an unwilling adherent to; whereby everyone and everything that could irritate the living tits out of one turns up in the course of one's day.

Insult to Injury in a wholemeal pun.

A. Oh Christ! On a day like today I have to deal with my taxes?

B. Cole's Law, mate.

by jimbles August 8, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


comes from Cole knowels, a blatant homosexual. Cole style involves shoving hot coals into a womans sexual organs, and her liking it so much she doesnt know when to stop or keep going.

"Boy Jerry, i did it to your mom cole style last night"

by Cyberchrist January 11, 2005

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