Source Code

heat score

a substitution for burn

girl: 'your shoes are ugly.'
guy: 'oh yea? your face is ugly! heat score!'

by cyanide&happyness January 31, 2011

3👍 33👎

beat some heats

smoke cigarettes; to smoke massive quantities of cigarettes while pounding some beers or alcohol of some sort

Hey, Grant do you want to come over and pound some beers, and beat some heats tonight?

by what November 10, 2003

Heat puddle(s)

A "heat puddle" is a mirage that is seemingly a puddle, these mirages typically appear on:open roads, empty highways, or concrete surfaces. These "puddles" are created by heat reflecting off of the concrete which only happens when it is really hot.

I saw a "heat puddle(s)" today, it was a mirage of a puddle created by heat reflecting off the concrete

by Hannah Canadian August 17, 2017

Mongolian Heat Pleat

First documented in the late Ming Dynasty, a common practice amongst the Mongol men during the Mongol/Khanate invasions of China; usually involving 3 or more men braiding each others foreskins together to avoid cryopathy of the glans. Colloquially known as Cock Cording and Knob Knitting. This is now referred to in the modern age as Docking.

“Christ lads, it’s so friggen’ cold out here, we should probs join in on a Mongolian Heat Pleat to save our skins!”

Hey Steve, Kev and I were talking about trying out that Mongolian Heat Pleat thing we learnt in history yesterday? You want in?”

by Ghangrenis Khant December 2, 2021

Heat Wave Bag

When a man does not shower for a fortnight during summer and then unsuspectingly teabags their partner while they sleep.

I heard my ex girlfriend cheated on my while away on vacation so I did not shower while she was gone and gave her the Heat Wave Bag the night she got back.

by McGuyver604 July 8, 2013

Heat by Louis Cicalese

Amazing lol

obama vs Heat by Louis Cicalese:

Obama loses obviously

by obamano April 7, 2022

he's got a heat on

He's drunk. Tipsy.

Man, I got a heat on last night. Or, he's got a heat on.

by Carnitaslover September 21, 2017