Ms. Rais tend to be annoying teachers with a I.Q of 5 who only got selected as a teacher because of her threats to send her army of cows at the school. their natural habitat is normally a milk carton and they are very protective of it which explains why no one has every seen what's under her desk. However despite this the only people that could even think about dating her are middle aged bald guys.
Your protecting that think like Ms. Rai
A class full of boring information that we are not going to have to use anytime in our life. Especially Antigone. No one likes this class.
Ms. Conley "I am better then anyone hear and because i can do all this work hecka fast you should to!! everyone should love Ms. Conleys class!"
she is a fucking cunt who works at mater east in miami and nobody likes i want her entire family to rot in hell and for her to get tortured till she on the brink of death then kill her myself
Jimmy Neutron’s bird like teacher
A woman that lost her light due to a break up. This usually happens to someone that finally gets close to someone, after having bad trust issues, and ends up getting their heart broken. The same goes for a guy. Just change the Ms. to Mr.
Friend: Hey there! What’s wrong?
Broken hearted person: My boyfriend left me...
Friend: Poor Ms. Moon...
A phrase that originated in the north east of England to describe an action or atmosphere that is not being enjoyed.
"This party sucks dick for M&Ms"
1- Ugh ı am so tired ı cant handle one more class
The whole class:YAYYYYY