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pimp sticks

A tool typically constructed by guerrilla pimps to keep their prostitutes in line. Pimp sticks are made from two wire coat hangers where one has the end cut of and the looped though the first one. Finished tool should have a slight "Y" shape to it.

Jerome needed to get his money from his bitch and had to use pimp sticks to beat it from her.

by Anonymous February 24, 2003

43๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

magic stick

It's a penis that is amazingly great.....u can do whatever person u want to...because it is so perfect!

Magic Stick
- 50 Cent & Lil' Kim

by Lacali12 March 19, 2003

358๐Ÿ‘ 152๐Ÿ‘Ž


Expression of dissapointment or frustration.

aw, shit-on-a-stick!

by Alan L December 6, 2003

125๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž

joy stick

n Slang for penis. The stick that provides much joy.

"Who wants to play with my joy stick"
"I'm just gona go have some fun with my joy stick"
"My joy stick doesn't work anymore"

by Ad0 June 3, 2007

96๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž

Poop Stick

A random stick or branch used to clean dog excrement off of the bottom of one's shoes. The stick can then be used as a weapon to use against others.

After cleaning Fido's giant pile off the bottom of my sneakers, I used the poop stick to smear feces on my sleeping stepdad.

by Charlie Buckspit November 18, 2013

31๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wizard Stick

Drinking game in which the empty beer is taped to the bottom of the full beer for every can dranken until it creates a staff. Subnotes: 1) A good way to gage how drunk everyone is 2) When the Wizard Stick is long enough you can play limbo 3) It's real awkward when your Wizard Stick is too long 4) You can cheers girls (or dudes...) from across the room 5) Have you seen Lord of the Rings? Yes....? Me to. Enjoy, this game is fun!...(hello theo, its me theo and i am drunk, sweet!)

Hello Gandolf, nice Wizard Stick.

Hold on, I'm washing my Wizard Stick.

Sorry, I didn't mean to touch you with my huge Wizard Stick.

Who wants to wrap my Wizard Stick with tape?

by Ginsglasserstein February 2, 2008

349๐Ÿ‘ 151๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stick The Tip In

To ask a girl for sex with only the penetration of the "head" of the penis, then slowly putting more dick inside of her til' she cries saying "I thought you were only going to stick the tip in". Basically a mind game for girls who cannot take dick but need to learn how to one way or another.

Boy: "Can I Stick The Tip In, Shawty?"
Girl: "Fine, just the tip"
Boy: *Sticks whole dick inside of her*

by Sex-Ed April 2, 2015

23๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž