The social structure of an occupation that consists of chicknheads, bratz, tricks and slappers.
When you work at a job that has many clique's and lazy broads, where rumors run as rampant as office transmitted STD's.
Places of "Office Polli-Tricks: McDonalds, Burger King, general fast food, urban offices, and inner-city high school.
"Of course I have no one to back me up with this paper work, chalk it up for Office Polli-Tricks."
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When one must leave the main office to undertake a task which if completed in the office would be offensive or embarrassing. Such examples include leaving to loudly pass wind, belch, smoke, make a private phone call or some kind of physical relation/interaction with a colleague.
Usual locations include the car park, stationary cupboard, empty meeting rooms, rooftop and empty corridors.
Richard: "Hey, where's Paul gone?"
Stuart: "I don't know, actually...?"
- Sometime Later -
Paul: "Sorry, I'm back now!"
Richard: "Where did you go?"
Paul: "Epic Out of Office Experience!"
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1) When you’re in trouble with your boss at work, and your boss calls you into his office for a private talk
2) When your pastor sees you posting or doing something inappropriate on social media, and they confront you about it.
Oh great, Bishop needs to talk me, Looks like it’s time for my trip to the principal’s office.
When a man stands up from his desk, drops his pants and shits on the floor while making direct eye contact with someone in the room.
Ray replaced his chair with an Ellenville office stool.
A male co-worker that nobody likes and makes fun of behind their back. They are usually found kissing the exec team's asses.
Karen: "I invited Dale to go to dinner with us tonight!"
Tim: "Damn it Karen!! Everyone knows he's the OCW here!"
Karen: OCW?
Tim: Office Cock Waffle!
A piece of clothing that should not exist and is merely a device for too skinny women to complain that the office is too cold when everyone else is comfortable.
Michelle complained that it was too cold when the thermostat was set at 70. Meghan told her to go get her office summer sweater and a bowl of pasta so she could warm up and fill out her sandals.
Anyone at work who has no respect for your office space, usually a co-worker, who will "invade" your cubicle or any other office space without permission to "borrow" office supplies that they themselves have run out of, or they just want to snoop and say that they're looking for something that they've lost.
Joni: Hmmm, Troy isn't in his cubicle, let me see what he's up to so I can report it and feel like i'm doing something important.
Troy: "Excuse me, can I help you?"
Joni: "Oh, Troy, I didn't see you there." "I was just looking for something"
Troy: "Well, did you find it?"
Joni: "Ummm, no, I guess it isn't here." "It must be someplace else, see you later."
Troy: "That Joni is such an office space invader!"