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Steven Universe

Steven Universe is an american show that features Steven and his magical family, the Crystal Gems. Him being half human and half gem, he takes on the responsibility of his deceased mother Rose Quartz, leader of a rebellion against Homeworld, who isn’t who the legends say she is.

Steven Universe is my favorite show!
Steven Universe{ needs therapy.
I love Steven Universe, but he’s going to become corrupted.

by urnewbestfriend January 31, 2020

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steven jigsaw

Fictional name invented by Alexander Davies of Elliot Minor during the prank call webisode (Webisode 20).

The reason that I'm changing my name when I get older, and what I'm changing it to.

Hi there, my name's Steven Jigsaw

by The SquirrelMeister February 22, 2008

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Steven Hawking

When you have a cold and you "hawk" a lugie on your own cock for lubricant.

Thank God for flu season.


Last night this chick was do dry I had to Steven Hawking her.

by Jon Testing February 4, 2018

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Brendan stevens

A derpy little prick who shows off all the time and thinks he's street when he's upper middle class.
All in all a show of and a twat.

"your such a fucking Brendan Stevens"

by get out of my swamp July 31, 2016

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Steven Colbert

A hero who has a show, "the colbert report" on comedy central. Steven is the man because he talks shit about president bush

steven colbert is the man, BITCH! so recognize!

by steve c the man September 18, 2006

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reed stevens

v- The act of narcing on another when getting caught with alcohol

Damn, you better hope that he doesn't pull a reed stevens when he talks to his parents

by mhs May 3, 2005

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steven segal

1.a bad actor
2.a 'louisular' bhuddist
3.Tom Ws idol

X:steven segal is on, hes so stupid.
Tom: omg! lock and load! bam bam bam! I LOVE him!!!

by partyboy February 1, 2005

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