a TikTok that has a reddit story, with an audio of a text to speech guy saying the story, and the background either cooking, Minecraft parkour, or slime. (usually has more than 1 part, and re-uploaded on multiple accounts)
"ooh reddit story tiktok, cant wait to watch"
If you want to see and patriciate in all the TikTok Shenanigans Lives, show up when Ggingersnaps2.0, Neenjah, and Xmanic_pandaX are all together on a live. For bonus additional Shenanigans see #Kamism.
"You know extreme TikTok Shenanigans are going to take place on a TIKTOK LIVE when the triple threat of Ginger, Ninja & Panda the queen Shenanigan Havers are online together. An added layer of Shenanigans only elevate when #Kamism is in the box.
Tiktokitis is when someone does so many tiktoks that there back becomes painfully red and blistered because of the amount of strain
Oh she got tiktokitis because she’s been doing tiktoks all day
The modern English translation of the Latin phrase panem et circences
You stupid Gen z'er panem et circences doesn't mean bread and circuses, it means carbs and Tiktok today.
tall as fuck. tiktoker/wordhunt god with 2 black earrings. rage quits alot. scary. calls ppl sped (does not like me and calls me sped). inventor of 4 scale. attracted to abgs. comments on 99% of tiktoks. works at 3x speed. has good fashion sense.
thats doggy water shit
- insomnia tiktoker
An annoying individual who promotes products on TikTok Shop they pretend to own or care about for commission.
They will tell often have terribly annoying acting and say things like "Somebody from Monster is getting fired! Cause you can get 4 packs of white Monster for ONLY 50 VITENAMISE DONG and shipping is only sixteen times the price of the item!"
Son: "Dad, I'm going to start committing war crimes and felonies daily"
Dad: "No worries son, as long as you don't become a TikTok Shop Guru"
Rise is hot and insane at gorilla tag
Wow it’s Rise on tiktok (and YouTube) we should go and play angry birds