Source Code

The hour is upon us

When the shit goes down.

Today Russia decided to lob 35 million nukes at the United States. The hour is upon us.

by fuqhead December 18, 2008

21👍 3👎

Among Us Schizophrenia

A disorder that causes the victim to see the characters from the videogame Among Us in everyday objects.

Character 1:Hey what's going on with Character 3?
Character 2:He has Among Us Schizophrenia.

by GildedSpark March 15, 2021

join us for a bite

play fnaf sister location

friend l downloaded the game wanna play
hears song join us for a bite

by jiuuiuiui January 10, 2022

Shinee disturb us

Shinee disturb us

Shinee disturb us

by syafinaz? October 8, 2023

Among Us Coin

Among us coin is a crypto currency founded to spread awareness for trans acceptance.

Hey Jakob, have you purchased any among us coin recently?

You sussy baka, why haven't you bought any among us coin yet?

I need to bust a nut, although i haven't purchased any among us coin yet.

by Fitness Delisi August 27, 2021

Use The Rocket Launcher

The easiest of ways to escape from any type of situation, be it socially awkward or displeasing. Most commonly used in the resident evil series.

Dating Agency Dude: OK Dude here's your blind date, Rosie O.
Dude1: Holy crap dude! WTF is that!?
Brad(flying over in a helicopter): Here!(drops the rocket launcher) Use the rocket launcher! Kill it, whatever it is!!
Dude1: Thanks Brad!

by pomtea August 10, 2008

Score Us A Loose

I saw this phrase in the movieBlood Diamond

Score us a loosehuh

by Eve8819 December 12, 2015