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West Bloomfield

Richest city in Michigan... richest in country outside of Florida and California. (often referred to as a new money Grosse Pointe) Neighboring the much less classier Birmingham, West Bloomfield possibly inspires the most resent and jealously when told that you live there out of any other city in Michigan, but hey, with an average income of over $200,000, its not that hard to understand. It is no big deal to see a lambo or porsche cruising down the street... with a 16 year old driver. Basically, West Bloomfield is what makes Oakland Country the real OC

Person X- "Hey where do you live?"
Person Y- "in West Bloomfield"
Person X- "you rich fuck" *walks away in jealousy and resent*

by Lizzy Berns April 15, 2008

67๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž

kanye west

someone who thinks hes great like Mos Def or Nas but he isnt
hes okay

Guy 1:Dude Kanye West is the best rappper ever homie dawg!
Guy 2: No he isnt.

by the abstract anomaly May 22, 2008

31๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

West Ashley

West Ashley is a town in South Carolina that is filled with a bunch of pot heads, alcoholics, skanks, and wannabe 'thugs' who are and will never go anywhere in life. Although they are all full of themselves and are thought to be some of the 'realest' people around, their youth is really all they have, and they all tend to wasted it getting wasted. The few exceptions rely on sports to hopefully make it out of the pitiful town.


by bologna1 June 21, 2011

29๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

iris west

She is the most annoying character on the show "The Flash",representing the wife of the main character of this series.

"I wish Iris West would have died at the end of the third season"

by Doctor Everything April 10, 2018

7๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

West Roxbury

The neighborhood that is refered to as "westie" where the kids go to the gym everyday and not gain an inch of muscle. But these same kids claim they're tough and get into fights and lose, but still continue to claim their tough. Possibly the safest neighborhood in Boston because the kids tend to come outside at about 9-10. Beware these kids have spaghetti arms but according to them their the toughest kid alive. To be a westie kid you have to drink in the same places that older generations have and even though the cops bust them everytime their parents are cops so its okay. These kids are so tough that they dont want to find a new place to drink and would rather get arrested. To be a westie kid you need to own a polo hat and you need to have a bud light in your hand for every picture.

Ben:Dude you wanna go drink some brews down at billings.
Joe:Yo theres a cop right in the parking lot.
Ben:Joe well look tough drinking our bud lights in West roxbury.

by Iget girls XD June 27, 2014

7๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

plano west

ok, i agree what most of the previous definitions have had to say about west but some of it was wrong. only about 1/2 the school is consisted of rich white folk. and these kids arent the smart ones. about the 1/4 of the school is asian, and their the ones that dominate the GPAs and SAT. another 1/4 is just normal, not rich, not poor, just down to earth kids that work hard and arent handed everything by their parents. some guy said that the "dallas kids" are the poor ones but about half of all the rich kids at west are from dallas. frankford was like a mini west. i went through frankford, shepton, and west and seen it first hand. we did have 3 0r 4 mercedes parked side by side. btw, i hated all of those schools, it is a social hell

guy 1: how did you like plano west?
guy 2: besides having to park next to a mercedes everyday, it was ok
guy 1: my dads car isnt even that nice
guy 2: ya, plano west sucked

by ryan kelly July 1, 2006

41๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

west side

the side of a city where the homies hang out and shoot people

rollin wit ma homies in the west sie-eed-ah!

by cathie August 26, 2003

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