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Charles Enterntainment Cheese

The real name of Chuck E. Cheese.

Brian: Lets go to chuck e. cheese!
Alfredo: Did you know his real name is Charles Enterntainment Cheese???
Brian: (Too Shook to respond)

by Grian Bottlieb June 19, 2017

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Charles McMarrow


Charles McMarrow (aka chad) is basic

by chad is basic April 24, 2017

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James Charles

A homo sexual into straight men who lost 1 million subscribers in a day

Person 1: You seen James Charles

Person 2: Yeah he’s lost a million in a day

by SomeGooseBoi May 13, 2019

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James Charles

Sexual predator

James Charles: *talks about how he wants to do things to a waiter*
Person one: Omg he’s straight ya know…
James Charles: I don’t care I’m a celebrity

by varli101 May 15, 2019

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james charles

A sad excuse for a Man, who acts like a confused mentally ill person who’s also trans. Says that he’s Gay but also says he’s liked females. WTF?

An ugly shame and bad name to homosexual identifying people, as well as Men.

Walking around like an ugly female and pretending he’s still some sort of Man.

Men are beautiful, and strong and masculine. This creature isn’t Man.

β€œThat james charles thing showed up on YouTube rewind 2019. I had to bleach my eyes after seeing it. Forget the edgyness of the video and the trash people/videos clips in it, that thing is what really scared me.”

by ‍ December 6, 2019

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James Charles

hes gay and likes fingering himself on a daily basis. James Charles is a gay pornstar that also has a makeup related YouTube channel. also hes gay ://media0.giphy.com/media/KohX60dPqN8Na/200.gif?cid=e8c20697489a7c55a1793d46b722ab0708d8d173515583e2&rid=200.gif


by Julius the Fucking Basard May 12, 2020

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charles dick

A dick that's is unusually small
No girls want him

You have a Charles dick

by School boy ccisd January 20, 2017

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