To be slapped by a loctka
"Hey watch out or I will Jewish slap you."
You let your payots grow and conceil them with a cap. You also have to get circumsiced, but keep the cut forskin in the dick as a skin ring. When you screw a girl, start screaming at the top of your lungs, remove your cap and pull out to reveal your fallen foreskin. The girl will think she turned you jewish.
Dude, when I gave that nazi chick a Jewish Turning Surprise, she cried like she deshonored the Führer himself!
When a man of Jewish descent, Ukrainian bitch slaps the dick of a nazi, making it ejaculate in a lightning bolt formation.
did you see when sally used the Jewish lightning bolt? David took it like a pro.
The most Jewish jew on the jew planet.
Osama: You're like the Jewish jew jews jew!
Me: Yes.
When you pay a Hasidic Jew to give you oral sex behind a bakery while reciting prayers from the Tanakh.
GUY 1- "Yo just got a Jewish Blowy yesterday"
GUY 2- "Noice"
The act of sleeping all day on a holiday you don't celebrate.
David Goldmanbergstein: "I'm going into Jewish hibernation because all my friends are with their family's for Christmas."
Usually a till, used to describe or is a metaphor for stingy Jews
Hold on, let me pull out my Jewish Piano, Ka-Ching Ka-Ching Ka-Ching, go catch the coins!