Source Code

Kelly Clark-son

Another word for Fuck..

Awwww Kelly Clark-son

Okay =

by Sammiesunshines March 19, 2009

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Son of a Bitch Hacker

A saying used when playing multiplayer in Call of Duty. It is usually said after you get killed by someone who is better than you. Usually used as an excuse for sucking........

You son of a bitch hacker

by MW2 Freak February 4, 2011

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Bad shit son

Typically Said after a night of explosions at the yard a m80 at the damn or just flying down 95 with your infinity about to explode

Man did you see d man shoot the glock off the causeway man that’s bad shit son

by Chopperindabag March 10, 2019

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riggity rekt, son

If you typed riggity rekt, son in a dictionary, you got riggity rekt, son

"Wow did he search up riggity rekt, son on the dictionary? That means he got riggity rekt!"

by Patoto, potato May 29, 2017

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Father Son Combo

Father Son Combo: When A Father Has Intercourse With His Wife Inside His Sons Room. While at the same time his gay son has intercourse with his other gay son in the mother/fathers room.

Wally: Rasha cum here in OzB’s room
OzB: Ali Cum here in Moms Room
Wally: We can do a Father Son Combo!

by BigFuknBeef April 16, 2020

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SOA (Sons Of Adam)

" SOA" Not to be confused with the show or Sons Of Allah is a republican political religious group who claim to strive for a better future by cyber bullying people they deem "sinners" or targeting people for money which goes to another group Known as SOAR and another known as DOA (Descendants of Adam)

Hey Bro some fags from SOA (Sons Of Adam) made this girl kill herself"

by Forchpork123 February 24, 2022

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Step on the scale, Son

1) A challenge to a physical confrontation
2) An after the fact "in your face"

ex. 1:
-I can drink your bitch ass under the table.
-Yeah? Step on the scale, Son!

ex. 2:
-I just boned Kelly S., Step on the scale, Son!
-I just got the Burning Crusade expansion! Step on the scale, Son!

by Lee Hickman May 27, 2007

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