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sesame chicken

food orginated from the chinese with a certain kind of sauce and cover in sesame seeds.

I think I'll order some Sesame Chicken from The China House tonight.

by shawnieee June 17, 2007

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Jive Chicken

One who runs around screaming and romping like some kind of wild animal.

Yo, look at those jive chickens rompin' all ova the place

by Mam Sarks April 28, 2011

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

chicken translation

A literal translation of words or idioms that doesn't make much sense in the language it was translated to. Originated in Turkey

German: Ohrwurm -> English: Earworm
Turkish: piliç çevirme -> chicken translation

by bollooo December 30, 2020

18πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Chicken Hawk

A Gay term for an older man that constantly chases after younger men typically in their 20's.

The heterosexual female equivalent is the Cougar.

Alberto is such a Chicken Hawk. He was hanging out at the coffee shop again trying to pick up skateboarders half his age!

by Cancub April 22, 2004

872πŸ‘ 291πŸ‘Ž

angry chicken

Whilst fucking a girl doggstyle, pull both her arm's behind her back and put your dick in her ass. This should cause her to helplessly 'cluck her chicken wing's' and make whateva sound a chiken in pain make's.

"I think almost everyone has fucked that skank!"
"Yeah, she even asked for it again when I 'angry chickened' her!"

by Diego July 18, 2003

107πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Gay Chicken

A past-time enjoyed by 16-17 year old boys, where both lean in close to each other, about to kiss, until one pulls away, showing that he has complete boy arms and assigning the other the title of Manly.

The furthest this ever seems to go to is lip contact, though there has been one occassion where tongues may momentarily kiss.

If played too often, people may think you are gay.

Gay friends who are only permitted to observe the contest, often find themselves becoming bored with semi-homoerotic activity, as it always ends at the good part.

Greg: Wanna play gay chicken?
Pat: Okay
*they kiss*

Greg: Wanna play gay chicken?
Mark: Not really
*they nearly kiss*

Greg: Wanna play gay chicken?
Matt: Um...
*they nearly kiss*

Peter: Greg.. are you gay?
Greg: NO!

Greg: Wanna play gay chicken?
Rob (aka. Boy arms): BRING IT ON!
*their tongues touch in the kiss*


Gay Friend: This is shit. You guys suck.

by manyperson3 August 10, 2009

323πŸ‘ 103πŸ‘Ž

Step chicken

The most powerful cult ever with our leader chunkysdead on tiktok eventually we will take over all the platforms and even the world as a true step chicken who watched chunkysdead since November of 2019 i can say us step chickens will rule and if you wonder who this step chicken is im suckdannydevitosnipples on tiktok STEP CHICKENS WILL RISE

Step chickens will rule the world... Step chickens are the best cult

by Step chicken May 14, 2020

78πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž