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whistle up a stump

Go away you’re a waste of time. Piss off. You’re actions are useless.

I’ve heard it all before, go whistle up a stump.

by Johnnysc7 October 29, 2021

Whistle up a stump.

Go away. You’re no help to me. Piss off.

That’s total bullshit, go whistle up a stump.

by Johnnysc7 November 1, 2021

Fuck whistle

Fuck whistle is the sound made between rolls of fat when two fat fucks fuck. It's not quite a fart, not quite a whistle. ...and no, it doesn't smell great.

Shut your trap you useless fuck whistle.

by adonisvonwhiskysnob September 8, 2023

One eyed whistle

I know you know what I mean. Its another word for your dick

Jenny - I'm so ready to go camping with you this weekend

Me - yea, I can't wait! Come over later and I'll show you everything lv got in my survival pack!

Jenny - ok!


Jenny - wow you've got something for every type of emergency in there but...

Me - yes?

Jenny - but what if you get bored? What do you do then? I didn't see anything to relieve you from boredom in there.

Me - oh, I have something for boredom but I keep it in its own special place.

Jenny - well, what is it!? Show me!

Me - Its my one eyed whistle!

Jenny - what? Lol, whats that? What do you do with it?

Me - you blow on it like a whistle

Jenny - that doesn't sound that fun..

Me - trust me its fun.

Jenny - let me see it! I wanna see how much fun it is.

Me - (whips out dick and twirls it around like a helicopter )

Jenny - OMG its so big!

...Then Jenny grabs ahold of my johnson and blows it like she's never going to see me again

The end.

by Wraptin6strings August 25, 2017

Bird whistle

Usually a noise made with ones mouth imitating a birds mating call.

lyre bird can imitate any sound it hears deeming it a bird whistle;
Ariana can imitate the lyre bird's mating call by whistling.
Ariana can do the bird whistle.

by Cake Man Mike May 22, 2012

cat whistle

A dog whistle for “dog whistle

Basketball Americans” is a racist cat whistle for African-Americans originating from a 4chan thread

by zerychon December 25, 2024

Josh Hutcherson Whistle

what the extremely hot and sexy actor josh hutcherson does every day when he sees a woman

oh boy i love josh hutcherson whistle edits!
can you blow my whistle baby whistle baby let me know
girl im gonna show you how to do it and we start real slow
you just put your lips together and you come real close
can you blow my whistle baby whistle baby let me know

by grienLOF December 12, 2023