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Anything that isn’t from a white straight male;commonly spread for losers complaining on twitter.

The oscars are so woke, this woke agenda is destroying our country

by ChampCyndaquil March 17, 2023


A word that conservative old out-of-touch white people use to describe progressive concepts to other conservative old out-of-touch white people in way that will scare them

we can’t bring the kids to Disney anymore. Jimbo said last time he went, the woke employees were requiring vaccinations to common illnesses and not segregating the water fountains

by Gib88 April 7, 2022


An acronym meaning: "Whiney - Obtuse - Kunts - Entitled"

An acronym meaning: "Whiney - Obtuse - Kunts - Entitled. " WOKE pansies all gathered to protest common sense for it is racist to think people have anything in common. The 57 genders were especially offended for their pro-nouns being mocked by those who had common sense and pointed to how Dr. Seuss, Math oh hell EVERYTHING is racist. confused? You must be W-O-K-E.

by DONEWITHTHELEFT November 23, 2021


When you're aware of dank memes and know what's going on

You don't get it you're not WOKE

by Staywokekids December 6, 2018


A term that was supposed to mean something good (being aware to social injustice and discrimination), but now it has turned into an insult that means "overly sensitive" or "pretending to be woke". Mostly used against the actual pseudo-woke, but sometimes used against ordinary people who have enough ACTUAL wokeness to call out the insult user's blatant racism/sexist/etc.

It practically got ruined by the pseudo-wokeness seen in Twitter warriors and "progressive" companies.

Having enough wokeness to recognize actual bigotry is a good thing, but please don't be a Twitter warrior.

Little sibling who just learned the word "woke": Hey I am proud to be woke

Older sibling: You shouldn't call yourself woke in public or online. That word has turned into an insult used against those pretending to be woke, like in being overly sensitive to the smallest details that are somehow "racist" or "sexist" by some warped logic or by straight-up discriminating against white people and men as an attempt to "counter" discrimination against people of color and women. Long story short they'll think you're oversensitive or even a hypocritical bigot.

Little sibling who now knows why the term "woke" has a stained reputation: Ok thanks for reminding me about this.

by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName April 16, 2023


Disconnecting from your busy thoughts through meditation and mindfulness in order to see outside yourself. Paying attention to the state of the entire world and recognizing you are in a much better position than many more. to care about others that were not so lucky & to use our resources to lift someone else up. When there is an injustice to one there is an injustice to us all. We are all one & god lives in all of us.

2. Sometimes an innocent lack of aware that took us by surprise.

I used to be kinda a dick but I didn’t realize it because society is sick - but I am so woke now. We are all healing.

by Lilt Hummingbird April 6, 2019


Conscious (about), sich (etwas) bewußt sein, Wachheit, wach, sind inhaltliche Entsprechungen aus der Schriftsprache je nach Kontext.

I am woke about, there are already other definitions given .

I am woke. (About all around me)

by RZ0024 February 14, 2022