The belief that there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.
This is the definition of "woke" as provided in court by Republican governor of Florida Ron DeSantis's legal team. Would you have voted for Trump if you disagreed?
To be hateful racist ,intolerant and sexist without repercussion as well as pushing toxic degenerate behaviour and pushing fringe minority immoral behaviour onto the masses. While pretending to be virtuous and a being of morality which is a false and leads to more hatred and division
To be woke was meant to be virtuous but failed to do so and instead breeded intolerance and hatred
An adjective to describe a person, ideology, or expression, that had its view built upon or influenced by, the anti-White, anti-truth, anti-male, anti-natalist, anti-tradition, anti-conservative, anti-heterosexual, anti-Western, anti-Christian, racist & sexist grievance factories of critical race theory & marxist intersectional theory.
A woke person is a person who believes Whites (men, cisgendered people & heterosexuals) need to give up their spaces, rights & self-interest, that all other groups are allowed to pursue & retain, in order to fulfil a moral imperative to 'equalise' society (specifically Western & White societies), & make up for real & imagined past & contemporary 'privilege' & 'wrongs' people of their same race, gender, & sexual orientation are presumed to have inflicted on others, even if in doing so, the results may be inequitable, irrational, obtuse to the stated aim, unfair, deleterious, genocidal, unbalanced or otherwise damaging to any party, society or the whole.
A woke person uses an artificial socially constructed leftist totem pole of worthy victims, and evil oppressors, to determine right & wrong in a situation, & differentiate 'moral' & 'immoral' policies, without any over-riding sense of balance, proportionality, impartiality or universality.
The latest Marvel movie is an exercise in woke morality. Storylines, genders and races have been chosen, not with respect to storytelling, quality or need, but to fit a presentation and approach that conforms to the dictates of critical race and intersectional theory.
In response to the "Bethany Mandel, Conservative author, struggles to define WOKE" issue of 3/23,
I commented on Christopher Rufo's 4/26/2023 video
"The Assault on Sexual “Normativity” Is an Assault on the Basic Structure of Reality"
WOKE = Will Only Kriticize Europe.
8:30 CR understands WOKE as James Lindsay does. JL: "Communism doesn't know how." "Ruthless criticism of all that exists." CR: "It functions almost entirely on the process of negation." and he then proceeds to throb with commie-wrecker energy.
But his formulations for WOKE, while accurate, aren't as short and snappy as mine. ;)
There was a need, a few weeks ago, for a SHORT & SNAPPY definition of WOKE.
Here's one to take & run with!
"Only" to be taken in many senses.
Woke will never criticize non-European cultures; Woke will never be able to do anything by itself.
A complex ideology of which the definition changes depending on the context.
Woke (social): An attempt to appear holier than thou by supporting groups of people believed to be oppressed, such as a particular race, gender, or sexual orientation, often to a fanatical degree.
Woke (corporate): Using tokenism, or ‘boxticking,’ to force diversity into a piece of media usually for the purpose of attempting to appear virtuous, pandering to minorities, and/or chasing ESG scores; Performative diversity.
Woke (political): A far left political ideology primarily concerned with identity politics (sexual orientation, race, gender/sex, and gender identity) and the perceived need for social justice and political/policy action to help minority groups that are believed to be oppressed.
Wokism (broad): Assigning value to people based on mainly their intrinsic biological characteristics, but also some circumstantial characteristics such as wealth or education; The assertion that reality is subjective, such as the idea that there are more than two genders (sexes) or that gender doesn’t exist at all, and also a belief that morality does not exist; The belief that one must not only tolerate, but embrace the subjective reality of others, especially if they are in a minority group.
(Social) Amy supports transgender women because she thinks they're oppressed, when they essentially have the freedom to walk into whichever bathroom or locker room they want. She's so woke.
(Corporate) Disney's just had its thirteenth 'first gay kiss.' What a woke company.
(Political) Democratic candidate Jane Doe should never be president because she's far too woke.
(Broad) Wokism is a blight upon western civilization, and if we don't get rid of it, China will destroy us all.
There are multiple definitions of the word woke. In modern day, conservatives and leftists tend to subscribe to the"New age mainstream White America" definition, which is essentially reducing it to "anything diverse is woke." There are 3 other definitions of the word:
1. **Original Definition**: This is rooted in the Black community, where "woke" refers to an awareness of social and economic issues affecting Black people, especially concerning systemic oppression and historical events like redlining or the Tuskegee syphilis study. The phrase "stay woke" emerged from this context as a call to remain vigilant about such issues.
2. **Moral High Ground Definition**: Some people label themselves or others as "woke" to assert moral superiority. This version often disconnects from the original social justice focus and instead centers on personal righteousness, sometimes dismissing differing opinions by deeming them "non-woke."
3. **Virtue Signaling Definition**: This more recent and broader definition criticizes people, companies, or media that are seen as hypocritical or performative in their advocacy for social justice. It often highlights how these efforts can be shallow, profit-driven, or even inadvertently harmful, like a company pandering for profit or a person adopting a self-righteous, yet close-minded stance.
Example 1:
For people this can mean inadvertently racist or sexist in their attempts at social justice, as seen with the idea of the white savior looking down on minorities. For a company this can manifest as many different things.
Such as the live action atla trying to champion gays by changing OMA and Shu to lesbians, and somehow managing to play into the "bury you gays" trope while fucking up the context behind the story. It can manifest as the developing trope of replacing red head characters with black actors, to drum up controversy for monetary gain, i.e pandering. Or even something like the boys preaching about a social message against big companies while having their show streaming on prime video and having their actors show up in the same type of Amazon ads they make fun of on their Vought YouTube channel.
Example 2:
Red: I'm tired of all this woke crap in my media
Blue: how's it woke
Red: they made ice man gay
Yellow: it does seem like an unnecessary pandering change. He could have been in the closest for years and just now felt comfortable.
Blue: so do you think that's their mindset when making the decision.
Yellow: who knows...
Examples 3:
Red: you hear about that lockdown
Blue: yes
Red: I bet they just trying to do a trial run see how well they can get the black community rounded up in one space. They see us listen, it's over. Army gonna be marching through the streets.
Blue: nigga what
Red: you don't know, you gotta stay woke
The latest Conservative buzzword for people who don't toe the Conservative line. First they called anyone who disagreed with them a communist. Then they called us socialists. Then it was virtue signalling. Then it was cancel culture. Now they've gone for 'woke'. It all means the same thing, which is "while I pretend to uphold freedom of speech I am going to apply this convenient buzz word to silence yours because it threatens my privilege".
Conservative: *Attacks a minority*
Progressive: "Stop being an arsehoke toward these people"
Conservative: "Woke bla bla bla... Something about virtue signalling and snowflake"