Is a sandwhich composed of wonder bread and miracle whip only because your broke ass cant afford no damn lunch meat. Also a dance move created by modern hip hop trend following asains
"What are you eating it looks like a white collar version of ketchup on crackers" "its a wonder whip".
A magical place called Wonder Fonder Candy Land
Them Old Paisa Wonders;
A Mismatched Group Of Pasadena Bound Failure, Extremely Bunti And Should Just Stay Home Jacking Off
Damn, That Nigga MUST Be From T.O.P. Wonders
Them Niggas Busted A T.O.P. Wonders By Trying To Throw A Wack Ass Party
Hahaha Wack Ass DJ, He Sound Like That T.O.P. Wonders Type Of Shit
When you take a crap and it comes out so perfect, you only need to gather one wad of TP to wipe yourself clean.
Man, after that Mexican food yesterday, I had the best crap. It was a single wipe wonder!!
Person who gets easily drunk off 1 can of beer
Look at John he’s so drunk he’s only had 1 beer flipping 1 can wonder!
a something that saiki k does not need to do
wondering is not an option for me, i am saiki k
Well It Means You're Turning The Other Eye Against The Situation At Hand Or On Sight With That In Regard You Act Blind As If You Didn't See Nothing Cause What You Saw Is Pretty Much Hilarious
Q: Yo Bro You Done Seen That
A: nah bro Imma Act Stevie Wonder To The Situation