swinging your ass at a high enough velocity that your asshole will rap around an opponents head, and the anus will continue to choke the victim around the neck, until they die or attacker lets go.
Thomas was on the merry go round, when he lost his grip and Flying Butt Hole Chokes Sandy, killing her instantly..
its when your butt hole is dirty
washyourass.com...my butthole itches, opps I for got to wipe, dirty butt hole,"shit holedirty butt hole
When someone is profoundly proficient at receiving anal sex.
"Dude I didnt even need lube, went from 0 to butt chuggin some D in no time".
When someone is Dookie, Buns, Butt, And Balls.
Bro Lebron is so Dookie-Buns-Butt-Balls.
Somebody that got hundreds of millions of dollars and is a lying scumbag hypocrite globalist. Often makes films in states where he can avoid union rates. He is psychic obese. Owns massive amounts of stock in Haliburton and defense contractors while he is badmouthing these companies and wars.
I am a bit overweight myself, but nothing like that self propelled blubber butt Michael Moore.
going beyond crazy, or wild, beyond apeshit
I gave the cat some cat nip laced with coke and it went butt fucking ape shit and literally ran up the wall and touch the ceiling.
The Juction City Butt Flute (JCBF), is a primitive musical instrument, that can be easily made by simply inserting two blades of grass into one's anus. When the musician farts, the hot gas causes the blades of grass to vibrate, which generates a "tooooooo" sound. The pitch and cadence of the sound is a function of the quantity and moisture content of the fart expelled, as well as the forcefulnes of the expulsion. It is widely believed that the JCBF was invented in Junction City, Kansas by street urchins in the 1970s.
Ma: "dinner's ready"
Son: "toooooooo "
Pa: "Goddamnit son, quit playin' that Junction City Butt Flute!!!!"