An African American who specializes in slanging cocaine.
Who’s got the number for the black eskimo around here? I need that white girl ASAP!
The "black book" is where someone would shit into a book and slam it closed making shit fly everywhere
P1: why is there shit everywhere
P2: I did the "black book"
Oh, yeah, I did take Tylenol. Good call doc! Thanks!
Hym "Yeah, no, the black poop was probably the Tylenol. The doctor told me to take it for my jaw thing but, man, this shit is not going away and I can't just take Tylenol forever. Ya know?"
See basic white bitch.
The same, only african-american.
No I don’t think it’s racist to call out people who are racist. If the definition of basic white bitch is in urban dictionary, then there should also be one for basic black bitch too.
Discomfort and defensiveness on the part of some black people who live in a predominantly White culture due to fixating on long since past injustices which they never experienced (and weren't experienced by anyone in their family alive today) causing them to imagine racism where none exists, and pine away for living in a culture that is predominantly black instead.
Black fragility is one of the reasons that black privilege now exists in American culture.
I have seen that Mark Dice has exposed the reasons for black fragility in one of his YouTube videos. Doing so with precise and in depth reporting from "just a guy in his kitchen with a laptop".
Discomfort and defensiveness on the part of some Black people who live in a predominantly White Culture due to fixating on long since past injustices which they never experienced (and weren't experienced by anyone in their family alive today) causing them to imagine racism where none exists, and pine away for living in a culture that is predominantly Black instead.
Black fragility has caused black privilege that now exists in modern America.
when you are highly aroused by the sight and thought of Jack black
" oh yeah, did you know Max has a jack Black kink?"