Source Code

August 8

August 8 a day to just let out all the shit in you, so when this day comes just let out the shit

August 8 shit day

by Shitty mouth December 12, 2019

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

December 8

The official 69th day of October

It is December 8th

by ………............ December 8, 2019

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Despacito 8

Far better than despacito 7

Mary: despacito 7 is better than despacito 8
Jane: Shut the fuck up Mary

by Partykiller June 18, 2018

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

april 8

a day when you can have sex

hey it is april 8 you know what that means

by thatratboiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii October 15, 2019

46πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

August 8

August 8 is the day the legendary girlgroup BLACKPINK debuted with their songs BOOMBAYAH and WHISTLE.

- Oh! it's August 8.
- Really? Did you know that's the day kpop titans BLACKPINK debuted?

by bbgowon October 15, 2019

53πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

April 8

Men that are born on this date are absolutely beauty’s, kings, above superior, best man you’ll ever meet

β€œHe’s born on the 8th of April πŸ˜©β€ β€œIk he’s so hawtπŸ˜πŸ¦‹β€ β€œ I love men that are born on April 8”

by Normal person:) November 10, 2020

10πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Code 8

Code 8 is the term given on a tannoy system to alert the store manager and assistant manager (if he's on duty) to the presence of a very hot woman in the store. Not to be confused with a Code 19 (otherwise known as Dragonwatch) which is an ugly woman. As you can imagine, Code 19's supersede Code 8's by a significant amount.

Debbie walked into the store. Her ass was magnificent and looked great in her denim cut-off shorts. her tits were heavenly and she moved like she'd just been on the receiving end of an almighty walloping. In fact, maybe the walloping to end all wallopings. She was sex on a stick and the employees knew it. Shireen the sweaty fat bird hated her. Harry quickly dialled up a Code 8 on the tannoy phone and in a matter of seconds Robert the store manager was pretending to adjust the shelves in the aisle Debbie was standing in. Ever the professional he asked if there was anything he could assist her with. Debbie said that she was fine but thanked him all the same. She made no mention of the soldier standing to attention in his pants.

by LiberaceHudson September 24, 2017

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž