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art spasm

Wanting to draw multiple things at the same time in an unorganized mess. When trying to draw any of said ideas, it ends up not looking right which causes rushing and makes the drawing look worse and worse the more you try.
Also causes more scribbling than usual which can result in hand spasms.

Dude: Hey Bro, you drawing?
Bro: No Dude, I'm having an art spasm.
Dude: I can tell, that drawing looks fucking awful.
Bro: Yeah, I know.

by Berryherrych August 5, 2020

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cringe art

Over all art that is meant to make it's audience cringe upon viewing. Disturbing and/ or obscure art.

I went to a cringe art show last month where they had taxidermy horses fucking on a caps table.

by Smirkbetweenyourlegs November 4, 2015

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emoji art

Text art created by using emojis, commonly made of the colored square emojis, creating the same effect as pixel art.

Check out my emoji art of a burger:
โž–๐ŸŸง๐ŸŸง๐ŸŸง๐ŸŸง๐ŸŸง๐ŸŸง (Credit @CopyPasteDump)

by slweeb August 2, 2021

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botox art

Botox art is art that's too expensive to lisence.

The botox art could not be filmed in the gym due to the cost of the license.

by Lucy Ashe December 4, 2017

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performing art

having sex, or performing sexual acts on another person.

I live for food and performing arts on people

by bjchick April 20, 2016

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Art Fetish

A fetish that exists only in the realm of art. A person with an art fetish may, or may not have any of the same fetishes in real life.

I like drawing big breasts on my female characters, but in real life I prefer smaller more manageable breasts. Big boobs are just an Art fetish for me.

by NovanMale May 20, 2011

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Art fart

An uncontrollable explosion of creativity.

Dude the other day I had a total art fart and made a sculpture out of Cheetos.

by Talljellybean November 4, 2017

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