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bro park

verb, -ing, -ed

To poorly and/or arrogantly park a bro truck. This action is exclusive to bros and bro trucks. Typical ways to bro park include:
1) parking in handicapped spaces.
2) parking in loading zones.
3) parking in fire zones.
4) parking in 'no parking' zones.
5) parking against red curb.
6) parking in other pedestrian areas, including up curbs, and on sidewalks.
7) parking in MOVING traffic.
8) parking, literally AT the front door of a store.
9) parking in front of fire hydrants.
10) parking across more than 1 stall.
11) parking at such an angle as to make the adjacent stalls unusable.
12) parking across stalls (sideways in a lengthwise stalls).
13) parking too far forward, taking the opposite stall as well.
14) parking too far forward, blocking (covering) sidewalks.
15) parking at such an angle as to make the greatest possible number of adjacent spaces unusable.
16) parking in any such way that you block access for or to other vehicles.
17) any combination of 1-16 above.

Common bro excuses to bro park include:
1) to draw attention to your bro truck and show it off.
2) to avoid 'door hits' from other vehicles.
3) because your bro truck is too long to park in a standard space.
4) because your bro truck is too wide to park in a standard space.
5) because you need room for the ladder that it takes to get into your bro truck.
6) because you need room for whatever ridiculous thing you are towing.
7) because you're "more important" than everyone else.
8) because you're "just running in" or will "be right back"

In residential areas, bros often bro park with additional items in their parking stalls or attached to their bro trucks. This may include storage trailers, recreational trailers, ORV trailers, or motorcycles. These items take up even MORE stall space, often blocking access for other residents or homeowners.

A common area to see someone Bro Park is in the Inland Empire, in Southern California.

See also: bro parking (noun) for related information.

"The fire department couldn't save the orphanage, because somebody decided to bro park in front of the only fire hydrant"

by brownnipples February 10, 2009

plantation bro

Man who dislikes passport bros. He has a slave mentality and panders to masculine women's needs like a SIMP. He is opposed to passport bros traveling to other countries to experience feminine females.

Joe is a SIMP, he hates the passport bros. He is a plantation bro.

by February 28, 2023

Original Bro

someone who was a lax bro before it was cool to be one (OB)

bro look at that pimp jbills hes got mad flow. yeah bro, hes an original bro.

by chill.i.am. October 26, 2010

Bro Plank

The "Bro Plank" is a term used for a balancing act done by two people wherein one person gets into the push up position and the second wraps their arms around the chest of the person in the push up position and with their feet in the opposite direction they simultaneously lift their feet of the ground and act as a cantilever for each other. The final product will be two hands touching the ground and two bodies balancing off of the hands.

The inventors of the bro plank can been seen on youtube under their channel name "sundayfundayz"

Those two bro's were bro planking outside the skytrain station today.

by Sundayfundayz October 5, 2011

Bicep Bros

Two best friends who are buff as fuck.

Bicep bros are buff as fuck.
Yo that kid simon is a bicep bro.

by Bicep Bros co. September 9, 2019

bro lube

the act of spitting on your bros dick for lubricant.

"I need lube" random slut

"i got you uncle Sam here is some bro lube" jay

*spits on sams dick*

by thicke June 18, 2017

Zagooplei Bro

A place of harmonious goodness and prosperity for bro’s.

Tim- “I can't stand this place man..”
Gerald- “Zagooplei bro!!”

by YouSeeIt November 11, 2020