This is an improved antonym} from "{Difficult Difficult Lemon Difficult}" I kept the first 'difficult, because it actually is an antonym. 'Peas', which I'm assuming is the root word of 'peasy', doesn't have an opposite. It does, however have a rival, of sorts -- 'Carrots'. The same holds true for 'Lemon'
The last one took a moment -- when you squeeze something you remove all the air or water. So, the opposite would be something with a lot of air. And 'Breezy' fits the rhyme scheme.
"It only took me about 10 minutes to create it -- so it really wasn't 'Difficult Carrots Lime Breezy'."
In the 19th century, this was the process when good-quality hats were manufactured for men
Making, Sewing, Manuafacturing, Carroting
A black man that has bleached his hair to orange and is just another bitch
He isn't anything but just another carrot top.
A little ginger who lies about there age and they look like a leprechaun but they flash people
Oh look there’s the short annoying carrot top
When a redhead gives you oral sex.
Hey! Remember that ginger from the party last night? She gave me carrot top!