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Simp Flexing

Simp Flexing is when you brag on forums how many people your financially supporting.

Jack was Simp Flexing about how many only fans girls he was financially supporting and showing off acknowledgement clips.

by Excited Bike February 1, 2021

National flex your muscles day

April 19 is when you send a friend, partner or someone you trust a picture of you flexing ur muscles.

*sends a picture of big booty flex*

wow! Happy national flex your muscles day! Here is one too ;)

by Nukemaster69 April 19, 2022

calf flexing

A guy flexes his calf's to get rid of his erection

Tim and Sam flex their calf's to get rid of there growing erections. Calf flexing

by Danceywhre November 27, 2015

4am flex

Ballin anytime of the day

What you doing mate ? I'm just on that 4am flex boss

by Roscoe10123 September 8, 2017

nigga flexing

wasting money on the latest trends

Look at them jordans, you nigga flexing

by E46drifter March 19, 2019

Flex Warrior

Someone who religiously plays flex because they are too much of a pussy to play solo/duo, but if they do decide to enter that realm they never play solo.

Oi, that Cringemod is such a flex warrior

by Oofan Bloberts March 22, 2021

Diva flex

Flexing one's muscles either literally or figuretively . Seems to be a practice common amongst celebrities of various ilks and persuasions.

1 Rhonda rowsey performed her diva flex by showing off her biceps just before the boxing match. 2 sly stallone did. His diva flex by arriving to the set in a golf cart and insisting that none of the crew look him in the eye or speak directly to him.

by 4realazitgits March 26, 2021