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jam & butterfly

a song that falls within the genre of cock music
jam being the gushy gushy while the butterfly refers to the bees from the birds and the bees. the irony here however is that jaehyung park is allergic to honey

Oh yeah baby give me some of that jam & butterfly

by turtle wurtle December 5, 2020


An individual who constantly tells others to do a flip and yet refuses to do one himself.

Jam-es, do a flip.

by DoAFlipJam-es February 15, 2022

Space Jam

Basketball superstar Michael Jordan and cartoon favorite Bugs Bunny team up with other basketball greats and Looney Tunes characters in this combination animated/live-action feature. Jordan must help the Looney Tunes gang with a basketball game against a group of outer space creatures whose plan, if they win, is to kidnap the Looney Tunes and take them to a failing government system where Jordan must relocate the current president of Zootopia. This was known as, Operation Space Jam.

it's the best damn operation in the galaxy. Space Jam

by Butthole Betty June 5, 2018

skate jam

An event where skateboarders meet up to skate an obstacle, usually for prizes

I heard someone got $150 for doing a 24 inch long ollie off a kicker at that skate jam the other day

by zrko July 14, 2022

Toothbrush Jamming

When a person's brushing their teeth and gets bored so he tries to make music out of the beats and rhythm of the brush noises .

Mom : Eldridge did you brush your teeth ?
Eldridge : Yeah Mom couldn't you hear me toothbrush jamming ?

by SiddyBoo August 28, 2015

Jam sponge

When a girl who is on her period sits on a guys face.

Bob: Hey John what did you get up to last night?

John: I pissed off my girlfriend while she was on her period so she gave me a jam sponge.

Bob: Wow, that's harsh

by Bobjones789 June 25, 2015

josh jam

Tendency of a publicly traded market, such as a stock market, to rise shortly before the market closes (in a manner that is at once surprising yet somehow predictable). The adjective presumably comes from the American colloquial "josh", as in "joke" or "it happened again so you must be joking", and "jam" as in a supply of buying orders that overwhelms the selling pressure on the market.

The Dow 30 got another josh jam, up +30 in the last few minutes - that's the third day in a row!

by evanesce May 12, 2011