A short goblin from math class
Oh, you’re such a pirate lord
The Perky Lord is a legendary folklore character from the Kent Boy's Tale, "Perc 30's." This character controls everything that happens while the user is in the Perc realm. One enters the Perc realm by ingesting any type of Percocet, including Perc5's, Perc10's, and Perc30's. While in the Perc realm, the Perky Lord has complete control over everything. You will be lifted from your body and will sit fifty feet in the air above your active body with the perky lord. You will observe all that happens to your self while perced out. Only a select few make it back to their bodies but those who do will be able to say they have met the Perky Lord.
T-Berry: Doinklo! Is that you? Thank god, I thought the Perky Lord was going to hold me captive forever!
Doinklo: It's okay T-Berry I made it out as well. You just have to believe.
Holiest amongst tho men. A bearer of light. The most high. Noblest of all nobility. A man who doesn’t mow his lawn but in return dares it grow. Seas part before his presence. A true Robin of the Authority but a rapacious scrooge of the cookie jar. Only intimidated when Men Yell. A seller of flatulence as potpourri. I raise the sun and it bows before me each night.
Man did you see the presence of that thing?. He/she/it/shim is a real Lord Guinan.
Look how high his hours worked are but is fine with our kids eating ramen again, yea only a Lord Guinan could pull that off.
A unsavoury type. Normally overweight with a sense of superiority. Normally found smashing pastys and outside schools
That fat builder is such lord rolfington. He definitely needs his hard drive checking
Krispy Lord is a geography obsessed famous YouTube star with six kids and a wife he cheats on, he’s a superhero legend
Omg there’s Krispy lord, the famous you tuber geographer!
Sass lord is the highest rank of sass one can achieve. They are the Bruce Lee of verbal scuffle, master of their craft. They thrive in chaotic skirmishes as they are the best at finding flaws in whatever you're saying, and if there's none, create ones. Picking a fight with a sass lord means you are fighting a losing battle, the more witnesses there are the more this statement stand since sass lords are professionals at getting everyone on their side against you.
Kid 1: *Starts making fun of random peoples*
Kid 2: Hey you should stop that before you catch the sass lord attention.
Sass Lord: *Cracks neck while making a self sufficient smile*
Kid 2: Oh shit mate you're done for. I'm out of here.
The best YouTuber ever , beware poodiepie , our Lord is coming for ur big pp 😳
Person 1 :"Hey have you heard of the best YouTuber ever(the sponge lord)
Person 2 : " yeah , PewDiePie right?"
Person 1 : " here I go killing again "