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boner party

I boner party is when a a few or more males get together and snort/ingest Viagra and throw a super gay party.

Let's bring our MacBook Pros to the boner party.

by anusz May 8, 2010

36πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

jack party

A party that is dominantly male, involving masturbation by all those who attend, although the masturbation is not intended to be mutual. You can commonly find people doing a circle jerk or playing soggy biscuit.

Adolescent: "We havin a jack party at Craig's house!"
Ghost of Christmas Past: "I would also like to come to Craig's house to wax my candle..err..jack off.

by Jack Party September 17, 2007

52πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Republican Party

an elite orgy of self-interested taxation and public spending; one party to which you are categorically not invited; the world's most reliable source of misinformation; America's Bridge to Nowhere and expressway to ruin

Ever since I had my lobotomy, I've been going to elections and voting for the Republican Party.

by K Corwin D December 22, 2009

471πŸ‘ 13467πŸ‘Ž

banjo party

a rad hang sesh drinking hazy ipa with some good pallys

Oh dang, yesterday’s Banjo Party has me a bit draggy this morning.

by Banjo Party July 15, 2021

22πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

toy party

A toy party is a gathering of various females who bring their own sex toys (dildos, vibrators, etc.), lube and soap and water. The fun begins when they "experiment" with these appliances on each other. It is a common practice in college and hints at lesbianism, however, pornography and topless pictures of males keep it a fairly heterosexual event, with more sexual liberation and feminism, which makes it less gay than a circle jerk.

Guy: Yeah, one of my female friends invited me to be a gag stripper for a party they were having. They were trying to hide it, but I'm pretty sure I saw at least one dildo and a bottle of astroglide. I think they were going to have a toy party after I left.

by ASBands July 25, 2006

39πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Cum Party

When involved in a gang back(with one or two more men then women), right before the males are about to explode with delight, the gather the girls around, put them into a circle, and then make them get on their knees. Then they all proceed to cum all over the group of girls, aiming for their eyes and mouths. Then the females lick the cum of of all the girls.

" Man, that cum party was pretty nutty last night. Them bitches are crazy!"

by Justin "Bombay" October 5, 2007

58πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

party hardy

To go out partying and celebrate until you pass out, wake up naked, find that you are wearing someone else's underpants, and discover that someone has used your body as a canvas for their artistic lipstick drawings.

"I just cashed my tax refund check and we're gonna party hardy!"

by Max Starr January 1, 2010

443πŸ‘ 151πŸ‘Ž