When you dodge a shock in Mariokart. Made famous by TWD98
Look at that Bam Shock Dodge
A bam shock dodge is what happens when you majestically dodge a shock in mario kart.
The feeling you get for several minutes following an immense poop.
Don’t ask me any questions right now, I’m in fanny shock.
when your going up a long roller coaster then it drops, that feeling you get
I had a high drop and got Air Shocked
Going into a paralytic shock from not having enough Mc Donalds
Usually occurs in obese people
Andrew has not had enough maccas today, he went into hypotrigenic or hypotriogentical shock.
that feeling that you get when water goes up your nose. the equivalent of brain freeze when you eat something cold
I got brain shock when I tried to do a frontflip underwater
It is where someone asks you questions and your had little pads that are attached to a machine that is controlled by the person asking questions and you don't know if you get the question right or wrong you find out when the person asking questions counts down and turns on the shocker. ( you can pick out of a hat for the body parts but its not something you have to do )
The shock body challenge was so painful