someone who listens to fox news 24/7
man 1: you see the news recently? Trump is a disgrace!
man 2: where’d you see that, you biased Fox Fucker!
Freckles occurring on the bridge of the nose. Primarily found on females but can occur in males as well. While naturally occurring on people prone to freckling because of the beauty of chaos people have been known to fake them as well.
Did you see Valy’s new set on SG, her fox whiskers were a prominent feature.
The brunette with Fox whiskers and blue eyes is super hot!
1. False sense of bravado caused by an excessive, unchecked ego or boggled memories from the past.
2. Knowledge of foxes
You sure we are high enough level to do this dungeon? (group wipes) Fuckin fox knowledge.
Talentless Fox is a Talentless Fox
Tails the Fox is a talentless fox
Also known as "Garzon-Zendejas Productions"
A well known company started in the Spring of 2009 by two gorgeous, intelligent, talented, innovative, foxy, hispanic business women who were out to conquer the world one "Fox" at a time.
Fox Productions has changed my life!
One day I want to start a company like Fox Productions. They are awesome!!
From: The New York Times
"Fox Productions conquers the world"
"Fox Productions wins fastest growing company of the year"
(Noun) A low key term for fake people. People who sneak around behind your back talking trash with no loyalty.
Yo, that bitch is a straight up feet fox. Talking trash about her "best friend" behind her back.