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cow egg

somone who is a complete fucking idiot

joe: *does somthing stupid*
bob: joe your such a fucking cow egg

by sniper nate May 24, 2022

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Egg Noodle

Noun; A person who is a little weird but it's ok because they are extremely sexy and anyone would crave their noodle.

Matt: "Tommy is such a weirdo..." Lexie: "Yea but he's totally an egg noodle! ;)"

by BobbyLynch69 March 31, 2017

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Egg and Chips

A euphamism for sex. First used in World War 2, whilst the british soldiers were in france, the french prostitutes would proposition them by saying "egg and chips johnny?".

"last night was good man, egg and chips for the first time in months"

by Jabbra December 14, 2012

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Wet Eggs

Dropping greasy, wet shits. Typically hangover shits.

I was in the stall for an hour laying some wet eggs. I feel like hell.

by Eaton Holgoode February 5, 2018

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Eggs for breakfast

When you ejaculate on an unsuspecting victims face and the they wake up to hard or dry cum and it's eggy like.

Dude I gave her some eggs for breakfast

by Jj9356 May 11, 2015

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Egg Cock

An Egg Cock is the result of smashing two eggs at your testicles and rubbing the yolk all over your penis. Then you proceed on banging a chicken until you splatter your "Egg Whites" all over her.

Guy 1: Hey bro, I heard Samantha's done with you. What happened? Guy 2: I wanted to try something new so I gave her the Egg Cock.

by TheMightyFrenchican March 2, 2017

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Giant egg


This word is most likely used in westernised areas of britain. Often used to replace a word similair to "cant be arsed" or "cant be bothered" to do an activity.

1st Person: " AIGHT mate, fancy coming to town? "

2nd Person: "Giant Egg"

by Rick Griffiths March 5, 2009

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