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chet er cheese

Someone who works hard everyday at winning all the time that a moist sweat develops in the gooch area which creates a defining aroma known as chet er cheese.

Damn chet, you got chet er cheese in your drawers bad...

by I'mNotGayI'mMetro August 8, 2023


you’re more beautiful.

ur beautiful.” “but you’re beautiful-er”

by Char is queen! November 8, 2021


Shoe- er.Job description. A Shoe-er is an airport employee who makes hand gestures in a shoeing motion towards the large population of marsupials which are on Airport Runways of Australia. The Shoe-er must also say in a loud manly voice 'SHOE' . Marcupils include Drop bears, Koalas, Wombats, Dung bats, Possums and specifically Kangaroos.

Q. So what does your brother do as an occupation?

A. He is a Shoe-er.
Q. Oh how intriging. Where is he currently working?

A. He currently works for the international termianl at Sydenys Airport. He works for both arrivals and departures. However, he only enjoys the Shoe-in's on the departure flights, due to the mixture of Kangaroo's, Drop bears and Dung Bats.

by Will Tribute July 10, 2013


1- One who is a robotics nerd
2- Someone involved in FIRST® (For Inspiration Recognition of Science and Technology)
3- Someone who shows Gracious Professionalism and Coopertition through out their life in and outside of FIRST

That FIRST-er sure show a lot of spirit.

Those FIRST-ers can compete hard on the field but can still be close friends off the field and help each other!!

by czukkiemonster April 14, 2011

Give 'er a hefty shoul'er

Goooooood, Bash, Gooooooood.
Yet another famous statement from the real Basher Masher (he'll show you bash).
Give her a hefty shoulder.
Commonly used to tell parson 2 to give person 3 a hefty shoul'er.

The real Basher Masher "Give 'er a hefty shoul'er"
Person 2 *gives person 3 a hefty shoul'er
The real basher masher, "Gooooooood!"

by Quandale Dingle Here September 29, 2022


A derogatory term for someone who plays dungeons and dragons classes with a d6 hitdie.

Look at Henry he's a fuckin' d6'er

by DnDFool January 25, 2024


Someone who plays Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition and prioritizes playing classes with a d6 hitdie.

See Henry over there? He's a filthy d6'er!

by DnDFool January 30, 2024